# esphttpclient This is a short library for ESP8266(EX) chips to make HTTP requests. ## Features * Easy to use. * Supports multiple requests in parallel. * Supports GET and POST requests. * Tested with Espressif SDK v1.0.0 ## Building If you don't have a toolchain yet, install one with then get Espressif's SDK. ### The submodule way If your project looks like esphttpd from Sprite_tm: ```bash git clone http://git.spritesserver.nl/esphttpd.git/ cd esphttpd git submodule add https://github.com/Caerbannog/esphttpclient.git lib/esphttpclient git submodule update --init ``` Now append `lib/esphttpclient` to the following `Makefile` line and you should be ready: ``` MODULES = driver user lib/esphttpclient ``` In case you want to use SSL don't forget to add `ssl` to `LIBS` in the `Makefile` ``` LIBS = c gcc hal pp phy net80211 lwip wpa main ssl ``` ### The dirty way Alternatively you could create a simple project: ```bash git clone https://github.com/esp8266/source-code-examples.git cd source-code-examples/basic_example # Set your Wifi credentials in user_config.h # I could not test this because of the UART baud rate (74880) ``` Then download this library and move the files to `user/`: ```bash git clone https://github.com/Caerbannog/esphttpclient.git mv esphttpclient/*.* user/ ``` ## Usage Include `httpclient.h` from `user_main.c` then call one of these functions: ```c void http_get(const char * url, const char * headers, http_callback user_callback); void http_post(const char * url, const char * post_data, const char * headers, http_callback user_callback); void http_callback_example(char * response_body, int http_status, char * response_headers, int body_size) { os_printf("http_status=%d\n", http_status); if (http_status != HTTP_STATUS_GENERIC_ERROR) { os_printf("strlen(headers)=%d\n", strlen(response_headers)); os_printf("body_size=%d\n", body_size); os_printf("body=%s\n", response_body); } } ``` ## Example The following code performs a single request, then calls `http_callback_example` to display your public IP address. ```c http_get("http://wtfismyip.com/text", "", http_callback_example); ``` The output looks like this: ``` http_status=200 strlen(full_response)=244 body_size=15 response_body= ```