ESP8266 part of the f105-motor-demo project (see f105-motor-demo_stm32)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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<title>WiFi config - Current Analyser</title>
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// server root (or URL) - used for local development with remote AJAX calls
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<h1>Wireless Setup</h1>
<div class="Box">
<th>WiFi mode:</th>
<div class="Box" id="ap-box">
<h2>Select AP to join</h2>
<div id="ap-loader">Scanning<span class="anim-dots">.</span></div>
<div id="ap-list" style="display:none"></div>
// Current SSID
page_wifi.current = '%currSsid%';
<div class="Modal hidden" id="psk-modal">
<div class="Dialog">
<form action="/wifi/connect.cgi" method="post" id="conn-form">
<input type="hidden" id="conn-essid" name="essid"><!--
--><label for="psk">Password:</label><!--
--><input type="password" id="conn-passwd" name="passwd"><!--
--><input type="submit" value="Connect!">
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