ESP8266 part of the f105-motor-demo project (see f105-motor-demo_stm32)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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9 years ago
#ifndef HTTPD_H
#define HTTPD_H
#include <esp8266.h>
#define HTTPDVER "0.4"
#define HTTPD_CGI_MORE 0
#define HTTPD_CGI_DONE 1
typedef struct HttpdPriv HttpdPriv;
typedef struct HttpdConnData HttpdConnData;
typedef struct HttpdPostData HttpdPostData;
typedef int (* cgiSendCallback)(HttpdConnData *connData);
typedef int (* cgiRecvHandler)(HttpdConnData *connData, char *data, int len);
//A struct describing a http connection. This gets passed to cgi functions.
struct HttpdConnData {
ConnTypePtr conn; // The TCP connection. Exact type depends on the platform.
char requestType; // One of the HTTPD_METHOD_* values
char *url; // The URL requested, without hostname or GET arguments
char *getArgs; // The GET arguments for this request, if any.
const void *cgiArg; // Argument to the CGI function, as stated as the 3rd argument of
// the builtInUrls entry that referred to the CGI function.
void *cgiData; // Opaque data pointer for the CGI function
char *hostName; // Host name field of request
HttpdPriv *priv; // Opaque pointer to data for internal httpd housekeeping
cgiSendCallback cgi; // CGI function pointer
cgiRecvHandler recvHdl; // Handler for data received after headers, if any
HttpdPostData *post; // POST data structure
int remote_port; // Remote TCP port
uint8 remote_ip[4]; // IP address of client
uint8 slot; // Slot ID
//A struct describing the POST data sent inside the http connection. This is used by the CGI functions
struct HttpdPostData {
int len; // POST Content-Length
int buffSize; // The maximum length of the post buffer
int buffLen; // The amount of bytes in the current post buffer
int received; // The total amount of bytes received so far
char *buff; // Actual POST data buffer
char *multipartBoundary; //Text of the multipart boundary, if any
//A struct describing an url. This is the main struct that's used to send different URL requests to
//different routines.
typedef struct {
const char *url;
cgiSendCallback cgiCb;
const void *cgiArg;
} HttpdBuiltInUrl;
int cgiRedirect(HttpdConnData *connData);
int cgiRedirectToHostname(HttpdConnData *connData);
int cgiRedirectApClientToHostname(HttpdConnData *connData);
void httpdRedirect(HttpdConnData *conn, char *newUrl);
int httpdUrlDecode(char *val, int valLen, char *ret, int retLen);
int httpdFindArg(char *line, char *arg, char *buff, int buffLen);
void httpdInit(HttpdBuiltInUrl *fixedUrls, int port);
const char *httpdGetMimetype(char *url);
void httpdDisableTransferEncoding(HttpdConnData *conn);
void httpdStartResponse(HttpdConnData *conn, int code);
void httpdHeader(HttpdConnData *conn, const char *field, const char *val);
void httpdEndHeaders(HttpdConnData *conn);
int httpdGetHeader(HttpdConnData *conn, char *header, char *ret, int retLen);
int httpdSend(HttpdConnData *conn, const char *data, int len);
void httpdFlushSendBuffer(HttpdConnData *conn);
//Platform dependent code should call these.
void httpdSentCb(ConnTypePtr conn, char *remIp, int remPort);
void httpdRecvCb(ConnTypePtr conn, char *remIp, int remPort, char *data, unsigned short len);
void httpdDisconCb(ConnTypePtr conn, char *remIp, int remPort);
int httpdConnectCb(ConnTypePtr conn, char *remIp, int remPort);