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SBMP library, v1.3
This is a reference implementation of SBMP, which should be usable in embedded
The library cosists of a **Framing layer**, **Datagram middleware** and a **Session layer**.
How to use
The framing layer is isolated in the `sbmp_frame` module, and can be used on it's own,
if sessions are not needed. That gives you reliable data transfer with error detection.
If you want to *get the most out of SBMP*, use the session layer. Session layer functions are
namespaced `sbmp_ep_` ("ep" stands for endpoint).
All header files are included in `sbmp.h`, which is the only file you should
`#include` in your application.
Read comments in the examples to see how to use the library.
Configuration & porting
You can customize a lot of aspects of SBMP in `sbmp_config.h`.
If you included the library as a submodule, and want to avoid manual edits, you can set
the options using compiler flags (eg. to disable CRC32: `-DSBMP_HAS_CRC32=0`).
**What to change for Arduino**
Basically disable all you can in the config file.
- You don't want `malloc()`
- Logging is useless if there's only one USART anyway
- CRC32 can be replaced with XOR if you don't care about reliability that much.
This gains you a huge size reduction, and the whole library will take only around
2.5 kB flash and 150 B ram (of course, not including your Rx buffer).
It works really well for ATmega328P - the usual Arduino chip.
Example for AVR
This example uses the [AVR C boilerplate](
It's here just to show how to set up SBMP in your AVR application.
**NOTE:** This example uses static allocation of the struct and buffer.
If you pass NULLs to the init function, it will `malloc()` it for you
and return a pointer to the Endpoint.
#include <avr/io.h> // register definitions
#include <avr/interrupt.h> // interrupt vectors
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
// AVR C boilerplate libs
#include "lib/iopins.h"
#include "lib/usart.h"
#include "sbmp/sbmp.h"
// SBMP globals
#define RXBUF_LEN 128
static uint8_t rxbuf[RXBUF_LEN];
static SBMP_Endpoint ep;
/** USART receive handler */
// Get the byte and pass it to SBMP
uint8_t b = usart_rx();
sbmp_ep_receive(&ep, b); // WARN: This can fail. Should check retval.
/** Message received from SBMP */
void message_received(SBMP_Datagram *dg)
// ...
int main()
usart_isr_rx_enable(true); // enable the interrupt
// init SBMP
sbmp_ep_init(&ep, rxbuf, RXBUF_LEN, message_received, usart_tx);
// ...additional SBMP configuration if needed...
// enable rx, tx
sbmp_ep_enable(&ep, true);
// globally enable interrupts (for the USART_RX handler)
while (1) {
// ... do stuff