ESP8266 part of the f105-motor-demo project (see f105-motor-demo_stm32)
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

247 lines
5.3 KiB

@import "chartist-settings";
@mixin ct-responsive-svg-container($width: 100%, $ratio: $ct-container-ratio) {
display: block;
position: relative;
width: $width;
&:before {
display: block;
float: left;
content: "";
width: 0;
height: 0;
padding-bottom: $ratio * 100%;
&:after {
content: "";
display: table;
clear: both;
> svg {
display: block;
position: absolute;
top: 0;
left: 0;
@mixin ct-align-justify($ct-text-align: $ct-text-align, $ct-text-justify: $ct-text-justify) {
align-items: $ct-text-align;
justify-content: $ct-text-justify;
// Fallback to text-align for non-flex browsers
@if ($ct-text-justify == 'flex-start') {
text-align: left;
} @else if ($ct-text-justify == 'flex-end') {
text-align: right;
} @else {
text-align: center;
@mixin ct-chart-label($ct-text-color: $ct-text-color, $ct-text-size: $ct-text-size, $ct-text-line-height: $ct-text-line-height) {
fill: $ct-text-color;
color: $ct-text-color;
font-size: $ct-text-size;
line-height: $ct-text-line-height;
@mixin ct-chart-grid($ct-grid-color: $ct-grid-color, $ct-grid-width: $ct-grid-width, $ct-grid-dasharray: $ct-grid-dasharray) {
stroke: $ct-grid-color;
stroke-width: $ct-grid-width;
@if ($ct-grid-dasharray) {
stroke-dasharray: $ct-grid-dasharray;
@mixin ct-chart-point($ct-point-size: $ct-point-size, $ct-point-shape: $ct-point-shape) {
stroke-width: $ct-point-size;
stroke-linecap: $ct-point-shape;
@mixin ct-chart-line($ct-line-width: $ct-line-width, $ct-line-dasharray: $ct-line-dasharray) {
fill: none;
stroke-width: $ct-line-width;
@if ($ct-line-dasharray) {
stroke-dasharray: $ct-line-dasharray;
@mixin ct-chart-area($ct-area-opacity: $ct-area-opacity) {
stroke: none;
fill-opacity: $ct-area-opacity;
@mixin ct-chart-bar($ct-bar-width: $ct-bar-width) {
fill: none;
stroke-width: $ct-bar-width;
//@mixin ct-chart-donut($ct-donut-width: $ct-donut-width) {
// fill: none;
// stroke-width: $ct-donut-width;
@mixin ct-chart-series-color($color) {
.ct-point, .ct-line, .ct-bar /*, .ct-slice-donut*/
stroke: $color;
.ct-slice-pie, .ct-area {
fill: $color;
@mixin ct-chart(
$ct-container-ratio: $ct-container-ratio,
$ct-text-color: $ct-text-color,
$ct-text-size: $ct-text-size,
$ct-grid-color: $ct-grid-color,
$ct-grid-width: $ct-grid-width,
$ct-grid-dasharray: $ct-grid-dasharray,
$ct-point-size: $ct-point-size,
$ct-point-shape: $ct-point-shape,
$ct-line-width: $ct-line-width,
$ct-bar-width: $ct-bar-width,
//$ct-donut-width: $ct-donut-width,
$ct-series-names: $ct-series-names,
$ct-series-colors: $ct-series-colors) {
.ct-zoom-rect {
fill: rgba(200, 100, 100, 0.3);
9 years ago
stroke: #ff2b12;
.ct-axis-title {
fill: $ct-axis-label-color;
@include noselect;
// --- Label ---
.ct-label {
@include ct-chart-label($ct-text-color, $ct-text-size);
&.ct-horizontal.ct-start {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-start);
text-anchor: start; // Fallback for browsers that don't support foreignObjects
&.ct-horizontal.ct-end {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-start, flex-start);
text-anchor: start;
// EDIT: added for angled horiz labels
transform: translate(-4px, 0%) rotate(45deg);
&.ct-vertical.ct-start {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-end);
text-anchor: end;
transform: translate(0, 20%);
&.ct-vertical.ct-end {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-start);
text-anchor: start;
.ct-chart-line .ct-label,
.ct-chart-bar .ct-label {
display: flex;
// --- Bar labels ---
.ct-chart-bar {
.ct-label.ct-horizontal.ct-start {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, center);
text-anchor: start;
.ct-label.ct-horizontal.ct-end {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-start, center);
text-anchor: start;
&.ct-horizontal-bars .ct-label {
&.ct-horizontal.ct-start {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-end, flex-start);
text-anchor: start;
&.ct-horizontal.ct-end {
@include ct-align-justify(flex-start, flex-start);
text-anchor: start;
&.ct-vertical.ct-start {
//@include ct-chart-label($ct-text-color, $ct-text-size, center, $ct-vertical-text-justify);
@include ct-align-justify(center, flex-end);
text-anchor: end;
&.ct-vertical.ct-end {
@include ct-align-justify(center, flex-start);
text-anchor: end;
.ct-grid {
@include ct-chart-grid($ct-grid-color, $ct-grid-width, $ct-grid-dasharray);
.ct-point {
@include ct-chart-point($ct-point-size, $ct-point-shape);
.ct-line {
@include ct-chart-line($ct-line-width);
.ct-with-area .ct-line {
stroke-width: 1px;
.ct-area {
@include ct-chart-area();
.ct-bar {
@include ct-chart-bar($ct-bar-width);
//.ct-slice-donut {
// @include ct-chart-donut($ct-donut-width);
@if $ct-include-colored-series {
@for $i from 0 to length($ct-series-names) {
.ct-series-#{nth($ct-series-names, $i + 1)} {
$color: nth($ct-series-colors, $i + 1);
@include ct-chart-series-color($color);
@if $ct-include-classes {
@include ct-chart();
@if $ct-include-alternative-responsive-containers {
@for $i from 0 to length($ct-scales-names) {
.#{nth($ct-scales-names, $i + 1)} {
@include ct-responsive-svg-container($ratio: nth($ct-scales, $i + 1));