stm32f103 neopixel demo simulating water / waving based on ultrasonic stimulus. This is an earlier version of what later became the "spatial-rgb" project
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22 lines
706 B

#!/usr/bin/env php
$map = file_get_contents('');
$at_flash = strpos($map, '.text 0x0000000008000000');
$at_ram = strpos($map, '.data 0x0000000020000000');
$at_dbg = strpos($map, '.memory_b1_text');
$discard = substr($map, 0, $at_flash);
$flash = substr($map, $at_flash, $at_ram - $at_flash);
$ram = substr($map, $at_ram, $at_dbg - $at_ram);
$flash = str_replace("lib/gcc/arm-none-eabi/5.3.0/../../../../", "", $flash);
file_put_contents("", $flash);
file_put_contents("", $ram);
//preg_match("/\*\(\.eh_frame\)\n\s*0x00000000(2[0-9a-f]+)\s*\. = ALIGN \(0x4\)/i", $ram, $m);
//echo "Free RAM: " . (0x20010000 - hexdec($m[1])) . " B\n";