demo of driving MAX2719 dot matrix displays with STM32F103 Bluepill
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#include "event_handler.h"
#include "com/debug.h"
typedef struct {
uint32_t handler_id;
uint32_t chained_handler; // if not 0, that handler is removed together with this handler.
EventType type; // event type
EventHandlerCallback handler; // returns True if event was handled.
bool used; // this slot is currently used
void *user_data;
} EventHandlerSlot;
#define EH_SLOT_COUNT 6
static EventHandlerSlot eh_slots[EH_SLOT_COUNT];
static uint32_t next_slot_pid = 1; // 0 is reserved
/** Get a valid free PID for a new handler slot. */
static uint32_t make_pid(void)
uint32_t pid = next_slot_pid++;
// make sure no task is given PID 0
if (next_slot_pid == 0) {
return pid;
* @brief Register an event handler for event type
* @param type : handled event type
* @param handler : the handler func
* @return handler ID. Can be used to remove the handler.
uint32_t register_event_handler(EventType type, EventHandlerCallback handler, void *user_data)
for (int i = 0; i < EH_SLOT_COUNT; i++) {
if (eh_slots[i].used) continue;
// Free slot found
EventHandlerSlot *slot = &eh_slots[i];
slot->handler = handler;
slot->type = type;
slot->handler_id = make_pid();
slot->used = true;
slot->chained_handler = 0;
slot->user_data = user_data;
return slot->handler_id;
error("Failed to register event handler for type %d", type);
return 0; // fail
/** Chain for common destruction */
bool chain_event_handler(uint32_t from, uint32_t to, bool reci)
uint8_t cnt = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < EH_SLOT_COUNT; i++) {
EventHandlerSlot *slot = &eh_slots[i];
if (!slot->used) continue;
if (slot->handler_id == from) {
slot->chained_handler = to;
// link back in two-handler reciprocal link
if (reci && slot->handler_id == to) {
slot->chained_handler = from;
if (cnt == (reci ? 2 : 1)) {
return true;
return false;
* @brief check if exists
bool event_handler_exists(uint32_t handler_id)
for (int i = 0; i < EH_SLOT_COUNT; i++) {
EventHandlerSlot *slot = &eh_slots[i];
if (!slot->used) continue;
if (slot->handler_id == handler_id) {
return true;
return false;
* @brief Remove event handler by handler ID
* @param handler_id : handler ID, obtained when registering or in the callback.
* @return number of removed handlers
int remove_event_handler(uint32_t handler_id)
int cnt = 0;
while (handler_id != 0) { // outer loop because of chained handlers
bool suc = false;
for (int i = 0; i < EH_SLOT_COUNT; i++) {
if (!eh_slots[i].used) {
continue; // skip empty slot
// Free slot found
EventHandlerSlot *slot = &eh_slots[i];
if (slot->handler_id == handler_id) {
slot->used = false;
slot->user_data = NULL;
suc = true;
handler_id = slot->chained_handler; // continue with the chained handler.
if (!suc) break;
return cnt;
/** Handle an event */
void run_event_handler(Event *evt)
bool handled = false;
for (int i = 0; i < EH_SLOT_COUNT; i++) {
EventHandlerSlot *slot = &eh_slots[i];
if (!slot->used) continue; // unused
if (slot->type != evt->type) continue; // wrong type
handled = slot->handler(slot->handler_id, evt, &slot->user_data);
if (handled) break;
if (!handled) {
warn("Unhandled event, type %d", evt->type);