####### # makefile for STM8S_StdPeriph_Lib and SDCC compiler # # Customized by MightyPork 1/2017 # # usage: # 1. if SDCC not in PATH set path -> CC_ROOT # 2. set correct STM8 device -> DEVICE # 3. set project paths -> PRJ_ROOT, PRJ_SRC_DIR, PRJ_INC_DIR # 4. set SPL root path -> SPL_ROOT # 5. include required SPL modules -> SPL_SOURCE # ####### # STM8 device (default is STM8 discovery board) DEVICE=STM8S103 DEVICE_FLASH=stm8s103f3 # set compiler path & parameters CC_ROOT = CC = sdcc CFLAGS = -mstm8 -lstm8 # --opt-code-size # -DUSE_FULL_ASSERT=1 # required for some examples for STM8S EVAL board #CFLAGS += -DUSE_STM8_128_EVAL # set output folder and target name OUTPUT_DIR = ./Build TARGET = $(OUTPUT_DIR)/$(DEVICE).hex # set project folder and files (all *.c) PRJ_ROOT = . PRJ_SRC_DIR = $(PRJ_ROOT)/User PRJ_INC_DIR = $(PRJ_ROOT)/User # all project sources included by default PRJ_SOURCE = $(notdir $(wildcard $(PRJ_SRC_DIR)/*.c)) PRJ_OBJECTS := $(addprefix $(OUTPUT_DIR)/, $(PRJ_SOURCE:.c=.rel)) # set SPL paths #SPL_SRC_DIR = /usr/share/sdcc/lib/src/stm8/ #SPL_INC_DIR = /usr/share/sdcc/include/stm8/ SPL_SRC_DIR = Libraries/SPL/src/ SPL_INC_DIR = Libraries/SPL/inc/ # add all library sources used here SPL_SOURCE = stm8s_gpio.c stm8s_uart1.c stm8s_clk.c SPL_OBJECTS := $(addprefix $(OUTPUT_DIR)/, $(SPL_SOURCE:.c=.rel)) # collect all include folders INCLUDE = -I$(PRJ_SRC_DIR) -I$(SPL_INC_DIR) # collect all source directories VPATH=$(PRJ_SRC_DIR):$(SPL_SRC_DIR) .PHONY: clean all: $(TARGET) $(OUTPUT_DIR)/%.rel: %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D$(DEVICE) $(INCLUDE) -c $? $(OUTPUT_DIR)/%.rel: %.c $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -D$(DEVICE) $(INCLUDE) -c $? -o $@ $(TARGET): $(PRJ_OBJECTS) $(SPL_OBJECTS) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o $(TARGET) $^ flash: $(TARGET) stm8flash -c stlinkv2 -p $(DEVICE_FLASH) -s flash -w $(TARGET) clean: rm $(OUTPUT_DIR)/*