recuperator fan control with esp32
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#include <esp_log.h>
#include "mbiface.h"
#include "socket_server.h"
#include "tasks.h"
#include "modbus.h"
static const char * TAG = "mb";
Tcpd_t g_mbifc_server = NULL;
ModbusSlave_t g_modbus;
static volatile uint16_t register2 = 0;
* Socket read handler
static esp_err_t read_fn(Tcpd_t serv, TcpdClient_t client, int sockfd)
uint8_t buf[1024];
uint8_t buf2[1024];
int nbytes = read(sockfd, buf, sizeof(buf));
if (nbytes <= 0) return ESP_FAIL;
size_t resp_len = 0;
ModbusError_t e = mb_handleRequest(&g_modbus, buf, nbytes, buf2, 1024, &resp_len);
if (e == 0) {
tcpd_send(client, buf2, (ssize_t) resp_len);
} else {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Error %d, closing socket", e);
return ESP_OK;
ModbusException_t startOfAccess(ModbusSlave_t *pSlave, ModbusFunction_t function, uint8_t i) {
return 0;
void endOfAccess(ModbusSlave_t *ms) {
ModbusException_t rh(ModbusSlave_t *pSlave, uint16_t ref, uint16_t *pValue) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Read holding %d", ref);
if (ref == 1) {
*pValue = 1042; // device ID
return 0;
if (ref == 2) {
*pValue = register2;
return 0;
ModbusException_t wh(ModbusSlave_t *pSlave, uint16_t ref, uint16_t value) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Write holding %d := %02x", ref, value);
if (ref == 2) {
register2 = value;
return 0;
void mbiface_setup()
ESP_LOGI(TAG, "initing MB iface");
g_modbus.proto = MB_PROTO_TCP;
g_modbus.addr = 1;
g_modbus.startOfAccess = startOfAccess;
g_modbus.endOfAccess = endOfAccess;
g_modbus.readHolding = rh;
g_modbus.writeHolding = wh;
tcpd_config_t server_config = TCPD_INIT_DEFAULT();
server_config.max_clients = 1;
server_config.task_prio = MBIFC_TASK_PRIO;
server_config.task_stack = MBIFC_TASK_STACK;
server_config.task_name = "MBIFC";
server_config.port = 502;
server_config.read_fn = read_fn;
ESP_ERROR_CHECK(tcpd_init(&server_config, &g_mbifc_server));