recuperator fan control with esp32
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

205 lines
5.0 KiB

// Created by MightyPork on 2020/03/11.
#include <string.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "console/console.h"
#include "console/utils.h"
#include <csp/arch/csp_malloc.h>
#include <malloc.h>
// Based on:
void console_hexdump(const void *data, size_t len)
size_t i;
char asciibuf[17];
const unsigned char *pc = (const unsigned char *) data;
// Length checks.
if (len <= 0) {
console_print("BAD LENGTH\r\n");
// Process every byte in the data.
for (i = 0; i < len; i++) {
size_t ai = i % 16;
// Multiple of 16 means new line (with line offset).
if (ai == 0) {
// Don't print ASCII buffer for the "zeroth" line.
if (i != 0) {
console_printf(" |%s|\r\n", asciibuf);
// Output the offset.
console_printf("%4d :", (int)i);
// Now the hex code for the specific character.
console_printf(" %02x", pc[i]);
// And buffer a printable ASCII character for later.
if ((pc[i] < 0x20) || (pc[i] > 0x7e)) {
asciibuf[ai] = '.';
else {
asciibuf[ai] = (char) pc[i];
asciibuf[ai + 1] = '\0';
// Pad out last line if not exactly 16 characters.
while ((i % 16) != 0) {
console_print(" ");
// And print the final ASCII buffer.
console_printf(" |%s|\r\n", asciibuf);
static int hex_char_decode(char x)
if (x >= '0' && x <= '9') {
return x - '0';
else if (x >= 'a' && x <= 'f') {
return 10 + (x - 'a');
else if (x >= 'A' && x <= 'F') {
return 10 + (x - 'A');
else {
return -1;
int console_base16_decode(const char *hex, void *dest, size_t capacity)
if (!hex || !dest) return -1;
const char *px = (const char *) hex;
uint8_t *pd = (unsigned char *) dest;
int hlen = (int) strlen(hex);
if (hlen % 2) {
return -2;
int blen = hlen / 2;
if (blen > (int) capacity) {
return -3;
int v;
uint8_t byte;
for (int i = 0; i < blen; i++) {
v = hex_char_decode(*px++);
if (v == -1) {
return -2;
byte = (v & 0x0F) << 4;
v = hex_char_decode(*px++);
if (v == -1) {
return -2;
byte |= (v & 0x0F);
*pd++ = byte;
return blen;
void * __attribute__((malloc)) console_malloc(size_t size) {
return csp_malloc(size);
return malloc(size);
void * console_realloc(void *ptr, size_t oldsize, size_t newsize) {
// csp / freertos do not provide realloc, simply allocate a new one and copy data over.
if (oldsize >= newsize) {
// no realloc needed
if (!ptr) { // NULL was given, act as malloc
ptr = csp_malloc(newsize);
return ptr;
void *tmp = csp_malloc(newsize);
if (!tmp) {
// "If realloc() fails, the original block is left untouched; it is not freed or moved."
return NULL;
if (ptr) {
// copy if there is anything to copy from
memcpy(tmp, ptr, oldsize); // we know oldsize < newsize, otherwise the check above returns.
// discard the old buffer
return tmp;
(void) oldsize; // unused
return realloc(ptr, newsize);
void * __attribute__((malloc,alloc_size(1,2))) console_calloc(size_t nmemb, size_t size) {
return csp_calloc(nmemb, size);
return calloc(nmemb, size);
void console_free(void *ptr) {
return csp_free(ptr);
return free(ptr);
char * console_strdup(const char *ptr) {
if (!ptr) return NULL;
size_t len = strlen(ptr);
char *copy = console_malloc(len+1);
if (!copy) return NULL;
strncpy(copy, ptr, len);
return copy;
return strdup(ptr);
char * console_strndup(const char *ptr, size_t maxlen) {
if (!ptr) return NULL;
size_t len = strnlen(ptr, maxlen);
char *copy = console_malloc(len+1);
if (!copy) return NULL;
strncpy(copy, ptr, len);
return copy;
return strndup(ptr, maxlen);