cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.13) project(lib-console) add_subdirectory("lib/argtable3") file(GLOB CONSOLE_SOURCES "src/*.c") # Console config options # Line buffer length set(CONSOLE_LINE_BUF_LEN "255" CACHE STRING "Line buffer length (max command size)") # Max number of CLI args set(CONSOLE_MAX_NUM_ARGS "64" CACHE STRING "Max number of arguments for a command") # Prompt buffer length set(CONSOLE_PROMPT_MAX_LEN "32" CACHE STRING "Max prompt string length") # CLI history length set(CONSOLE_HISTORY_LEN "32" CACHE STRING "Console history length") option(CONSOLE_FILE_SUPPORT "Support filesystem operations (history save/load)" ON) option(CONSOLE_USE_FILE_IO_STREAMS "Use FILE* based console I/O" ON) option(CONSOLE_USE_TERMIOS "Use unistd/termios to set nonblocking mode & implement bytes available check" ON) option(CONSOLE_USE_MEMSTREAM "Allow using open_memstream() to generate command hints and report argtable errors" ON) if(CONSOLE_USE_TERMIOS AND NOT CONSOLE_USE_FILE_IO_STREAMS) message( FATAL_ERROR "Can't use TERMIOS without FILE_IO_STREAMS" ) endif() option(CONSOLE_USE_FREERTOS "Use FreeRTOS" ON) option(CONSOLE_USE_PTHREADS "Use pthreads" OFF) # Default timeout for CSP commands set(CONSOLE_CSP_DEF_TIMEOUT_MS "3000" CACHE STRING "Default timeout for CSP commands (milliseconds)") option(CONSOLE_TESTING_ALLOC_FUNCS "Test the internal console_malloc etc. functions on startup (with asserts)" OFF) configure_file( "include/console/" "include/console/config.h" ) add_library(console ${CONSOLE_SOURCES}) # Enable extra warnings #set_target_properties(console PROPERTIES COMPILE_FLAGS "-Wall -Wextra" ) target_include_directories(console PUBLIC "include" "${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/include" # this is where the generated config header is placed PRIVATE "src" ) # Link libraries set(LIBRARIES argtable3) if(ESP_PLATFORM) set(CONSOLE_USE_FREERTOS ON) set(CONSOLE_USE_PTHREADS OFF) # special hack for ESP-IDF is needed to allow implementing extern prototypes in main set(LIBRARIES ${LIBRARIES} idf::main) endif() if(NOT CONSOLE_USE_FREERTOS AND NOT CONSOLE_USE_PTHREADS) message( FATAL_ERROR "Required either FreeRTOS or PTHREADS!" ) endif() if(CONSOLE_USE_PTHREADS) set(LIBRARIES ${LIBRARIES} pthread) endif() target_link_libraries(console ${LIBRARIES})