#pragma once #include #include // Circular Character Buffer implementation typedef struct CircularBuffer_struct { uint8_t *buffer; uint16_t capacity; uint16_t read_pos; uint16_t write_pos; } circbuf_t; /** Init a buffer */ void cbuf_init(circbuf_t *inst, uint16_t length); /** Deinit a buffer (free the memory) */ void cbuf_deinit(circbuf_t *inst); /** Test for full buffer */ bool cbuf_full(circbuf_t *inst); /** Test for empty buffer */ bool cbuf_empty(circbuf_t *inst); /** Write a byte to buffer, returns success */ bool cbuf_write(circbuf_t *inst, uint8_t b); /** * Read a byte from the buffer, return susccess. * If `b` is NULL, the read byte is discarded. */ bool cbuf_read(circbuf_t *inst, uint8_t *b); /** * Get byte at the read cursor, without incrementing it. * False on empty. */ bool cbuf_peek(circbuf_t *inst, uint8_t *b); /** Remove all data from buffer */ void cbuf_clear(circbuf_t *inst);