bluepill firmware that turns it into a USB-I2C multimaster gateway with a simple serial protocol.
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181 lines
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/* Includes */
#include "test_templates.h"
#include <string.h> /* memcpy() */
/* Group Specific Templates */
* Comparison SNR thresholds for the data types used in transform_tests.
#define TRANSFORM_SNR_THRESHOLD_float32_t 90
#define DCT4_TRANSFORM_SNR_THRESHOLD_float32_t 80
* Compare the outputs from the function under test and the reference
* function using SNR.
output_type) \
do \
{ \
transform_fft_output_f32_ref, \
(output_type *) transform_fft_output_ref, \
transform_fft_output_f32_fut, \
(output_type *) transform_fft_output_fut, \
block_size, \
output_type, \
); \
} while (0)
* Compare the outputs from the function under test and the reference
* function using SNR.
output_type) \
do \
{ \
transform_fft_output_f32_ref, \
(output_type *) transform_fft_output_ref, \
transform_fft_output_f32_fut, \
(output_type *) transform_fft_output_fut, \
block_size, \
output_type, \
); \
} while (0) \
* Specialization on #TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE() to fix the block_size
* for complex datasets.
#define TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_CMPLX_INTERFACE(block_size, output_type) \
/* Complex numbers have two components*/ \
TRANSFORM_SNR_COMPARE_INTERFACE(block_size * 2, output_type )
* This macro copys data from the input_ptr into input arrays.
* Some functions modify their input data; in order to provide the same data to
* multiple tests, copies must be made so the changes from one function don't
* impact the others.
#define TRANSFORM_COPY_INPUTS(input_ptr, \
bytes) \
do \
{ \
memcpy( \
transform_fft_input_fut, \
input_ptr, \
bytes); \
memcpy( \
transform_fft_input_ref, \
input_ptr, \
bytes); \
} while (0)
* This macro copys data from the input_ptr into input arrays. It also creates
* symmetric input data for rfft inverse.
* The 4.534234f just makes the middle entry of the array semi random. It's
* actual value doesn't seem to matter much.
* Some functions modify their input data; in order to provide the same data to
* multiple tests, copies must be made so the changes from one function don't
* impact the others.
fftlen, input_type, bytes) \
do \
{ \
uint32_t i; \
memcpy( \
transform_fft_input_fut, \
input_ptr, \
bytes); \
((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut)[1] = 0; \
((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut)[fftlen + 0] = 0; \
((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut)[fftlen + 1] = 0; \
for(i=1;i<fftlen/2;i++) \
{ \
*((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut + fftlen + 2*i + 0) = \
*((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut + fftlen - 2*i + 0); \
*((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut + fftlen + 2*i + 1) = \
-(*((input_type*)transform_fft_input_fut + fftlen - 2*i + 1)); \
} \
memcpy( \
transform_fft_input_ref, \
transform_fft_input_fut, \
bytes * 2); \
} while (0)
* This macro copys data from the input_ptr into the in-place input arrays.
* Some functions modify their input data; in order to provide the same data to
* multiple tests, copies must be made so the changes from one function don't
* impact the others.
bytes, \
type) \
do \
{ \
uint32_t i; \
memcpy( \
transform_fft_inplace_input_fut, \
input_ptr, \
bytes); \
memcpy( \
transform_fft_inplace_input_ref, \
input_ptr, \
bytes); \
for(i=0;i<bytes/sizeof(type);i++) { \
*((type*)transform_fft_inplace_input_fut + i) >>= 1; \
*((type*)transform_fft_inplace_input_ref + i) >>= 1;} \
} while (0)
* This macro copys data from the input_ptr into the in-place input arrays.
* Some functions modify their input data; in order to provide the same data to
* multiple tests, copies must be made so the changes from one function don't
* impact the others.
bytes) \
do \
{ \
memcpy( \
transform_fft_inplace_input_fut, \
input_ptr, \
bytes); \
memcpy( \
transform_fft_inplace_input_ref, \
input_ptr, \
bytes); \
} while (0)