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#pragma once
// -- AVR GCC utility for driving WS2812B and similar RGB LED stripes --
// You must define the following in config file or here:
// * WS_PORT
// * WS_BIT
#include "config.h"
// The pin must be set to OUTPUT before using the output functions
// --- timing constraints (NS) ---
#ifndef WS_T_1H
#define WS_T_1H 700
#ifndef WS_T_1L
#define WS_T_1L 150
#ifndef WS_T_0H
#define WS_T_0H 150
#ifndef WS_T_0L
#define WS_T_0L 700
#ifndef WS_T_LATCH
#define WS_T_LATCH 7000
// More precise timing
// #define WS_T_1H 800
// #define WS_T_1L 450
// #define WS_T_0H 200
// #define WS_T_0L 650
// #define WS_T_LATCH 50000
/** Latch and display the RGB values */
void ws_show(void);
/** Send one byte to the RGB strip */
void ws_send_byte(uint8_t b);
/** Send RGB color to the strip */
void ws_send_rgb(uint8_t r, uint8_t g, uint8_t b);