#include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "fat16.h" BLOCKDEV test; void test_seek(const uint32_t pos) { asm volatile (""); } void test_rseek(const int16_t pos) { asm volatile (""); } void test_load(void* dest, const uint16_t len) { asm volatile (""); } void test_store(const void* source, const uint16_t len) { asm volatile (""); } void test_write(const uint8_t b) { asm volatile (""); } uint8_t test_read() { return 0; } void test_open() { test.read = &test_read; test.write = &test_write; test.load = &test_load; test.store = &test_store; test.seek = &test_seek; test.rseek = &test_rseek; } void main() { test_open(); // Initialize the FS FAT16 fat; fat16_init(&test, &fat); FAT16_FILE file; fat16_root(&fat, &file); char str[10]; fat16_disk_label(&fat, str); // ----------- FILE I/O ------------- /** * Move file cursor to a position relative to file start * Returns false on I/O error (bad file, out of range...) */ fat16_fseek(&file, 1234); /** * Read bytes from file into memory * Returns false on I/O error (bad file, out of range...) */ fat16_fread(&file, str, 10); /** * Write into file at a "seek" position. * "seek" cursor must be within (0..filesize) */ fat16_fwrite(&file, str, 10); /** Go to next file in directory (false = no next file) */ fat16_next(&file); while(1) { //uart_puts_P(PSTR("TEST")); } }