#include #include #include #include "stream.h" #include "calc.h" static char tmpstr[12]; // buffer for number rendering void put_bytes(const STREAM *p, const uint8_t* str, const uint16_t len) { for (uint16_t i = 0; i < len; i++) { p->tx(str[i]); } } void put_str(const STREAM *p, char* str) { char c; while ((c = *str++)) { p->tx(c); } } void put_str_P(const STREAM *p, const char* str) { char c; while ((c = pgm_read_byte(str++))) { p->tx(c); } } static void _putnf(const STREAM *p, const uint8_t places); /** Send signed int8 */ void put_u8(const STREAM *p, const uint8_t num) { utoa(num, tmpstr, 10); put_str(p, tmpstr); } /** Send unsigned int8 */ void put_i8(const STREAM *p, const int8_t num) { itoa(num, tmpstr, 10); put_str(p, tmpstr); } /** Send unsigned int */ void put_u16(const STREAM *p, const uint16_t num) { utoa(num, tmpstr, 10); put_str(p, tmpstr); } /** Send signed int */ void put_i16(const STREAM *p, const int16_t num) { itoa(num, tmpstr, 10); put_str(p, tmpstr); } /** Send unsigned long */ void put_u32(const STREAM *p, const uint32_t num) { ultoa(num, tmpstr, 10); put_str(p, tmpstr); } /** Send signed long */ void put_i32(const STREAM *p, const int32_t num) { ltoa(num, tmpstr, 10); put_str(p, tmpstr); } /** Print number as hex */ void _print_hex(const STREAM *p, uint8_t* start, uint8_t bytes) { for (; bytes > 0; bytes--) { uint8_t b = *(start + bytes - 1); for (uint8_t j = 0; j < 2; j++) { uint8_t x = high_nibble(b); b = b << 4; if (x < 0xA) { p->tx('0' + x); } else { p->tx('A' + (x - 0xA)); } } } } /** Send unsigned int8 */ void put_x8(const STREAM *p, const uint8_t num) { _print_hex(p, (uint8_t*) &num, 1); } /** Send int as hex */ void put_x16(const STREAM *p, const uint16_t num) { _print_hex(p, (uint8_t*) &num, 2); } /** Send long as hex */ void put_x32(const STREAM *p, const uint32_t num) { _print_hex(p, (uint8_t*) &num, 4); } /** Send long long as hex */ void put_x64(const STREAM *p, const uint64_t num) { _print_hex(p, (uint8_t*) &num, 8); } // float variant doesn't make sense for 8-bit int /** Send unsigned int as float */ void put_u16f(const STREAM *p, const uint16_t num, const uint8_t places) { utoa(num, tmpstr, 10); _putnf(p, places); } /** Send signed int as float */ void put_i16f(const STREAM *p, const int16_t num, const uint8_t places) { if (num < 0) { p->tx('-'); itoa(-num, tmpstr, 10); } else { itoa(num, tmpstr, 10); } _putnf(p, places); } /** Send unsigned long as float */ void put_u32f(const STREAM *p, const uint32_t num, const uint8_t places) { ultoa(num, tmpstr, 10); _putnf(p, places); } /** Send signed long as float */ void put_i32f(const STREAM *p, const int32_t num, const uint8_t places) { if (num < 0) { p->tx('-'); ltoa(-num, tmpstr, 10); } else { ltoa(num, tmpstr, 10); } _putnf(p, places); } /** Print number in tmp string as float with given decimal point position */ void _putnf(const STREAM *p, const uint8_t places) { // measure text length uint8_t len = 0; while (tmpstr[len] != 0) len++; int8_t at = len - places; // print virtual zeros if (at <= 0) { p->tx('0'); p->tx('.'); while (at <= -1) { p->tx('0'); at++; } at = -1; } // print the number uint8_t i = 0; while (i < len) { if (at-- == 0) { p->tx('.'); } p->tx(tmpstr[i++]); } } /** Print CR LF */ void put_nl(const STREAM *p) { p->tx(13); p->tx(10); }