porklib: Simple library for programming Arduino in C
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10 years ago
#pragma once
// HD44780 LCD display driver - 4-bit mode
// LCD pins are configured using a file lcd_config.h, which you
// have to add next to your main.c file.
// Content can be something like this:
// #pragma once
// #include "lib/arduino_pins.h"
// #define LCD_RS D10
// #define LCD_RW D11
// #define LCD_E D12
// #define LCD_D4 D13
// #define LCD_D5 D14
// #define LCD_D6 D15
// #define LCD_D7 D16
10 years ago
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "stream.h"
// File with configs
10 years ago
#include "lcd_config.h"
// Shared LCD stream object
// Can be used with functions from stream.h once LCD is initialized
extern STREAM* lcd;
// --- Commands ---
10 years ago
// Clear screen (reset)
#define LCD_CLEAR 0b00000001
// Move cursor to (0,0), unshift...
#define LCD_HOME 0b00000010
// Set mode: Increment + NoShift
#define LCD_MODE_INC 0b00000110
// Set mode: Increment + Shift
#define LCD_MODE_INC_SHIFT 0b00000111
// Set mode: Decrement + NoShift
#define LCD_MODE_DEC 0b00000100
// Set mode: Decrement + Shift
#define LCD_MODE_DEC_SHIFT 0b00000101
// Disable display (data remains untouched)
#define LCD_DISABLE 0b00001000
// Disable cursor
#define LCD_CURSOR_NONE 0b00001100
// Set cursor to still underscore
#define LCD_CURSOR_BAR 0b00001110
// Set cursor to blinking block
#define LCD_CURSOR_BLINK 0b00001101
// Set cursor to both of the above at once
// Move cursor
#define LCD_MOVE_LEFT 0b00010000
#define LCD_MOVE_RIGHT 0b00010100
// Shift display
#define LCD_SHIFT_LEFT 0b00011000
#define LCD_SHIFT_RIGHT 0b00011100
// Set iface to 5x7 font, 1-line
#define LCD_IFACE_4BIT_1LINE 0b00100000
#define LCD_IFACE_8BIT_1LINE 0b00110000
// Set iface to 5x7 font, 2-line
#define LCD_IFACE_4BIT_2LINE 0b00101000
#define LCD_IFACE_8BIT_2LINE 0b00111000
/** Initialize the display */
void lcd_init();
/** Write an instruction byte */
void lcd_command(uint8_t bb);
10 years ago
/** Write a data byte */
void lcd_write(uint8_t bb);
10 years ago
/** Read BF & Address */
uint8_t lcd_read_bf_addr();
/** Read CGRAM or DDRAM */
uint8_t lcd_read();
10 years ago
/** Send a string to LCD */
void lcd_puts(char* str_p);
/** Send a string to LCD from program memory */
void lcd_puts_P(const char* str_p);
10 years ago
/** Sedn a char to LCD */
void lcd_putc(const char c);
/** Show string at X, Y */
#define lcd_puts_xy(x, y, str_p) do { lcd_xy((x), (y)); lcd_puts((str_p)); } while(0)
/** Show string at X, Y */
#define lcd_puts_xy_P(x, y, str_p) do { lcd_xy((x), (y)); lcd_puts_P((str_p)); } while(0)
10 years ago
/** Show char at X, Y */
#define lcd_putc_xy(x, y, c) do { lcd_xy((x), (y)); lcd_putc((c)); } while(0)
10 years ago
/** Set cursor position */
void lcd_xy(const uint8_t x, const uint8_t y);
/** Set LCD cursor. If not enabled, only remember it. */
#define CURSOR_NONE 0b00
#define CURSOR_BAR 0b10
#define CURSOR_BLINK 0b01
#define CURSOR_BOTH 0b11
void lcd_cursor(uint8_t type);
/** Display display (preserving cursor) */
void lcd_disable();
/** Enable display (restoring cursor) */
void lcd_enable();
/** Go home */
void lcd_home();
/** Clear the screen */
void lcd_clear();
/** Define a glyph - 8 bytes, right 5 bits are used */
void lcd_glyph(const uint8_t index, const uint8_t* array);
10 years ago
/** Define a glyph that's in PROGMEM */
void lcd_glyph_P(const uint8_t index, const uint8_t* array);
10 years ago
/** Set address in CGRAM */
void lcd_addr_cg(const uint8_t acg);
10 years ago
/** Set address in DDRAM */
void lcd_addr(const uint8_t add);