#include // register definitions #include // storing data in program memory #include // interrupt vectors #include // delay functions #include // C header for int types like uint8_t #include // C header for the bool type #include #include // Include stuff from the library #include "lib/iopins.h" #include "lib/usart.h" #include "lib/spi.h" #include "lib/adc.h" #include "lib/debounce.h" #include "lib/timebase.h" #include "pinout.h" #include "display.h" #include "leds.h" #include "game.h" /** * Configure pins */ void setup_io(void) { as_output(PIN_DISP_CP); as_output(PIN_DISP_D); pin_up(PIN_DISP_STR); as_output(PIN_DISP_STR); as_output(PIN_DISP_OE); as_input(PIN_KEY_1); as_input(PIN_KEY_2); as_input(PIN_KEY_3); as_input(PIN_KEY_4); as_output(PIN_NEOPIXEL); pin_up(PIN_NEOPIXEL_PWRN); // turn neopixels OFF - it's a PMOS as_output(PIN_NEOPIXEL_PWRN); // configure DDR for output (pull-up becomes hard up) as_input(PIN_PWR_KEY); as_output(PIN_PWR_HOLD); // PIN_LIGHT_SENSE is ADC exclusive, needs no config } // --- Debouncer slot allocation constants --- volatile bool booting = true; volatile uint16_t time_pwr_pressed = 0; /** Power button state changed */ void key_cb_power(uint8_t num, bool state) { if (state) { time_pwr_pressed = time_ms; } else { if (booting) { // Ignore this one - user still holding BTN after power ON usart_puts("Power button released, leaving boot mode.\r\n"); booting = false; return; } } } void setup_debouncer(void) { // Debouncer config debo_add(PIN_PWR_KEY, key_cb_power); debo_add(PIN_KEY_1, game_button_handler); debo_add(PIN_KEY_2, game_button_handler); debo_add(PIN_KEY_3, game_button_handler); debo_add(PIN_KEY_4, game_button_handler); // Timer 1 - CTC, to 16000 (1 ms interrupt) OCR1A = 16000; TIMSK1 |= _BV(OCIE1A); TCCR1B |= _BV(WGM12) | _BV(CS10); } // SysTick ISR(TIMER1_COMPA_vect) { // Tick 1 ms debo_tick(); timebase_ms_cb(); leds_show(); } // Shut down by just holding the button - better feedback for user void task_check_shutdown_btn(void *unused) { (void)unused; if (debo_get_pin(0) // 0 - first && !booting && (time_ms - time_pwr_pressed > 1000)) { cli(); ws_no_cli_sei = true; usart_puts("Power OFF\r\n"); uint32_t zeros[4] = {0,0,0,0}; leds_set(zeros); leds_show(); display_show(0,0); _delay_ms(100); // Wait for user to release while (pin_read(PIN_PWR_KEY)); _delay_ms(500); // shut down pin_down(PIN_PWR_HOLD); // wait for shutdown while(1); } } /** * Main function */ void main() { usart_init(BAUD_115200); //usart_isr_rx_enable(true); // enable RX interrupt handler setup_io(); // The Arduino bootloader waits ~ 2 seconds after power on listening on UART, // which in this case also serves as a debounce delay for the power switch pin_up(D13); // the on-board LED (also SPI clk) - indication for the user // Stay on - hold the EN pin high pin_up(PIN_PWR_HOLD); // SPI conf // TODO verify the cpha and cpol. those seem to work, but it's a guess spi_init_master(SPI_LSB_FIRST, CPOL_1, CPHA_0, SPI_DIV_4); adc_init(ADC_PRESC_128); // clear display_show(0,0); setup_pwm(); setup_debouncer(); // Turn neopixels power ON - voltage will have stabilized by now // and no glitches should occur pin_down(PIN_NEOPIXEL_PWRN); ws_init(); add_periodic_task(task_check_shutdown_btn, NULL, 1, 0); // globally enable interrupts sei(); usart_puts("Starting game...\r\n"); game_main(); }