1-Wire bus search algorithm, new C implementation
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

97 lines
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// Created by MightyPork on 2018/02/01.
// MIT license
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "ow_search.h"
void ow_search_init(struct ow_search_state *state, uint8_t command)
state->prev_last_fork = 64;
memset(state->prev_code, 0, 8);
state->status = OW_SEARCH_MORE;
state->command = command;
state->first = true;
uint16_t ow_search_run(struct ow_search_state *state, ow_romcode_t *codes, uint16_t capacity)
if (state->status != OW_SEARCH_MORE) return 0;
uint16_t found_devices = 0;
while (found_devices < capacity) {
uint8_t index = 0;
ow_romcode_t code = {};
int8_t last_fork = -1;
// Start a new transaction. Devices respond to reset
if (!ow_reset()) {
state->status = OW_SEARCH_FAILED;
goto done;
// Send the search command (SEARCH_ROM, SEARCH_ALARM)
uint8_t *code_byte = &code[0];
bool p, n;
while (index != 64) {
// Read a bit and its complement
p = ow_read_bit();
n = ow_read_bit();
if (!p && !n) {
// A fork: there are devices on the bus with different bit value
// (the bus is open-drain, in both cases one device pulls it low)
if ((found_devices > 0 || !state->first) && index < state->prev_last_fork) {
// earlier than the last fork, take the same turn as before
p = ow_code_getbit(state->prev_code, index);
if (!p) last_fork = index; // remember for future runs, 1 not explored yet
else if (index == state->prev_last_fork) {
p = 1; // both forks are now exhausted
else { // a new fork
last_fork = index;
else if (p && n) {
// No devices left connected - this doesn't normally happen
state->status = OW_SEARCH_FAILED;
goto done;
// All devices have a matching bit here, or it was resolved in a fork
if (p) *code_byte |= (1 << (index & 7));
if((index & 7) == 0) {
// Record a found address
memcpy(state->prev_code, code, 8);
memcpy(codes[found_devices], code, 8);
// Stop condition
if (last_fork == -1) {
state->status = OW_SEARCH_DONE;
goto done;
state->prev_last_fork = last_fork;
state->first = false;
return found_devices;