web reimplementation of Sigmar's Garden https://bits.ondrovo.com/sigmar/
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

190 lines
3.0 KiB

*, *::before, *::after {
box-sizing: border-box;
html, body {
background: #201717;
#wrap {
position: absolute;
left: 0; top: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0;
overflow: hidden;
#board {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
background: #201717;
/* Orb is clickable */
.orb {
cursor: pointer;
/* Disabled effect */
.orb.disabled {
cursor: default;
/* No-disabled-fade version has all orbs at full opacity */
.cfg-fade-disabled .orb.disabled {
opacity: 0.6;
/* Disabled orb has no glow or shadow */
.orb.disabled .orb-glow,
.orb.disabled:hover .orb-glow,
.cfg-fade-disabled .orb.disabled .orb-shadow,
.cfg-fade-disabled .orb.disabled:hover .orb-shadow {
fill-opacity: 0;
.cfg-no-fade-disabled.cfg-blur .orb.disabled .orb-shadow,
.cfg-no-fade-disabled.cfg-blur .orb.disabled:hover .orb-shadow {
fill-opacity: 0.7;
/* Blur effect */
.orb-shadow {
filter: url('#filterDropshadow');
.orb-glow {
filter: url('#filterGlow');
/* Hover and select effects */
.orb-glow, .orb-shadow {
transition: fill-opacity linear 0.2s;
/* Default opacity */
.orb .orb-shadow {
fill-opacity: 0.7;
/* Glow effect */
.orb.selected .orb-glow,
.orb:hover .orb-glow {
fill-opacity: 1;
.orb.selected .orb-shadow,
.orb:hover .orb-shadow {
fill-opacity: 0;
/* No-anim version applies animations instantly */
.cfg-no-anim * {
transition: none !important;
/* No-blur version uses white ring around selected orbs, and has no shadow */
.cfg-no-blur .orb-shadow,
.cfg-no-blur .orb-glow,
.cfg-no-blur .tile-shadow {
filter: none !important;
opacity: 0 !important;
.cfg-no-blur .board-bg-hex {
fill: #534334;
.cfg-no-blur .orb.selected .orb-fill,
.cfg-no-blur .orb:hover .orb-fill {
stroke: white;
stroke-width: 10px;
paint-order: stroke;
.cfg-no-blur .orb.disabled .orb-fill {
stroke: transparent !important;
text {
paint-order: stroke;
font: 32px "Book Antiqua", Palatino, "Palatino Linotype", "Palatino LT STD",
"URW Palladio L", "New Century Schoolbook", Georgia, "Liberation Serif",
"Noto Serif", serif;
user-select: none;
/* GUI */
.button-text {
fill: #8d7761;
stroke: #453b30;
text-anchor: start;
text-align: left;
stroke-width: 2px;
cursor: pointer;
.button-text.working:hover {
fill: #8d7761;
font-size: 26px;
opacity: 0;
.button-text.working {
transition: opacity linear 0.2s;
.cfg-no-anim .button-text.working {
transition: none;
.button-text.working.show {
opacity: 1;
.you-win {
font-size: 80px;
text-anchor: middle;
dominant-baseline: middle;
fill: #ffd675;
stroke: #2d2520;
stroke-width: 4px;
opacity: 0;
pointer-events: none;
transition: opacity linear 0.2s;
.you-win.show {
opacity: 1;
.cfg-no-anim .you-win {
transition: none;
.button-text.config {
font-size: 26px;
.button-text.right {
text-anchor: end;
.button-text:hover {
fill: #e3c4a2;
.button-text:active {
transform: translateY(1px);
.button-text.disabled:active {
cursor: default;
opacity: .5;
fill: #8d7761;
transform: none;