import profin pf = profin.Projector() # This demo simulates Mr. Bob who gave up one poorly paying job, then had trouble finding a better one, # had to borrow from a friend, then finally found a good paying job and all was OK # Start date and balance, 'April', 24) pf.balance(+100_000) # initial savings # Recurring payments, paid on 1st of eahc month rent = pf.monthly('Rent', -12_000) # a pretty high rent... internet = pf.monthly('Internet', -450).on(10) # this is paid on the 10th spotify = pf.monthly('Spotify', -160) # using .spread() to distribute the cost over the whole month # Set to False for less accurate graph but more readable stdout logs want_spread = True food = pf.monthly('Food', -3500).spread(want_spread) membership = pf.monthly('Club Member.', -200).spread(want_spread) misc = pf.monthly('Misc Expenses', -2000).spread(want_spread) # A poorly paying job job1 = pf.monthly('Cleaning Job', +15_000, day=12) # Not going to the Club in May membership.skip_month(2018, 'May') # --- we can set a global date instead of specifying it in each start() and end() # also, if .start() is not called, the global date is used, 'June') job1.end() # Quit the job in May, last pay received in June # cancel non-essential expenses spotify.end() membership.end() misc.end() # Looking bad, borrow from a friend friend_loan = pf.borrow('Loan from Luke', +50_000).on(2018, 'Oct')\ .repay_monthly(-5000, day=18) # A new job with much better pay than before!, 'Dec') job2 = pf.monthly('Sausage Stand Job', +25_000, day=15) # --- We generate the prediction until December 31, 2019 # You can pass a second argument verbose=False to disable stdout printing samples = pf.project_to(2019) # show in a graph pf.graph(samples)