Abbreviated multi-part command recognition C library
Vous ne pouvez pas sélectionner plus de 25 sujets Les noms de sujets doivent commencer par une lettre ou un nombre, peuvent contenir des tirets ('-') et peuvent comporter jusqu'à 35 caractères.
Ondřej Hruška 89f3d40a5c
add readme
il y a 4 ans
test Initial il y a 4 ans
.gitignore Initial il y a 4 ans
CMakeLists.txt Initial il y a 4 ans
LICENSE.txt Initial il y a 4 ans
Makefile Initial il y a 4 ans add readme il y a 4 ans
prefix_match.c Initial il y a 4 ans
prefix_match.h Initial il y a 4 ans


Abbreviated multi-part command / word sequence recognition.

Supports partial match (only some command words), individual multi-part command word abbreviating, as well as (obviously) simple single-word commands and their abbreviations.

Can recognize things like "ip i s d" as "ip interface set down" or "r a" as "route add", if there is no ambiguity among the provided options. Supports more than one delimiter at a time (e.g, colon, hyphen, underscore, space, tab, whatever). Leading and trailing delimiters and duplicate delimiters are ignored.

Inspect the unit test suite and doc comments in the header file for more info and examples of use.