/*jslint browser: true */ /*global ace, jQuery */ /** * PHP Console * * A web-based php debug console * * Copyright (C) 2010, Jordi Boggiano * http://seld.be/ - j.boggiano@seld.be * * Licensed under the new BSD License * See the LICENSE file for details * * Source on Github http://github.com/Seldaek/php-console */ (function (require, $, ace) { "use strict"; var updateStatusBar, prepareClippyButton, refreshKrumoState, handleSubmit, initializeAce, handleAjaxError, options, editor; options = { tabsize: 4, editor: 'editor' }; /** * updates the text of the status bar */ updateStatusBar = function (e) { var cursor_position = editor.getCursorPosition(); $('.statusbar .position').text('Line: ' + (1 + cursor_position.row) + ', Column: ' + cursor_position.column); }; /** * prepares a clippy button for clipboard access */ prepareClippyButton = function (e) { var selection = editor.getSession().doc.getTextRange(editor.getSelectionRange()); if (!selection) { $('.statusbar .copy').hide(); return; } $('#clippy embed').attr('FlashVars', 'text=' + selection); $('#clippy param[name="FlashVars"]').attr('value', 'text=' + selection); $('.statusbar .copy').html($('.statusbar .copy').html()).show(); }; /** * adds a toggle button to expand/collapse all krumo sub-trees at once */ refreshKrumoState = function () { if ($('.krumo-expand').length > 0) { $('Toggle all') .click(function (e) { $('div.krumo-element.krumo-expand').each(function (idx, el) { window.krumo.toggle(el); }); e.preventDefault(); }) .prependTo('.output'); } }; /** * does an async request to eval the php code and displays the result */ handleSubmit = function (e) { e.preventDefault(); $('div.output').html(' Loading ...'); // store session if (window.localStorage) { localStorage.setItem('phpCode', editor.getSession().getValue()); } var controlChars = { 'NUL' : /\x00/g, // Null char 'SOH' : /\x01/g, // Start of Heading 'STX' : /\x02/g, // Start of Text 'ETX' : /\x03/g, // End of Text 'EOT' : /\x04/g, // End of Transmission 'ENQ' : /\x05/g, // Enquiry 'ACK' : /\x06/g, // Acknowledgment 'BEL' : /\x07/g, // Bell 'BS' : /\x08/g, // Back Space 'SO' : /\x0E/g, // Shift Out / X-On 'SI' : /\x0F/g, // Shift In / X-Off 'DLE' : /\x10/g, // Data Line Escape 'DC1' : /\x11/g, // Device Control 1 (oft. XON) 'DC2' : /\x12/g, // Device Control 2 'DC3' : /\x13/g, // Device Control 3 (oft. XOFF) 'DC4' : /\x14/g, // Device Control 4 'NAK' : /\x15/g, // Negative Acknowledgement 'SYN' : /\x16/g, // Synchronous Idle 'ETB' : /\x17/g, // End of Transmit Block 'CAN' : /\x18/g, // Cancel 'EM' : /\x19/g, // End of Medium 'SUB' : /\x1A/g, // Substitute 'ESC' : /\x1B/g, // Escape 'FS' : /\x1C/g, // File Separator 'GS' : /\x1D/g, // Group Separator 'RS' : /\x1E/g, // Record Separator 'US' : /\x1F/g // Unit Separator }; // eval server-side $.post('?js=1', { code: editor.getSession().getValue() }, function (res) { if (res.match(/#end-php-console-output#$/)) { var result = res.substring(0, res.length - 24); $.each(controlChars, function (identifier, regex) { result = result.replace(regex, '' + identifier + ''); }); $('div.output').html(result); } else { $('div.output').html(res + "

Script ended unexpectedly."); } refreshKrumoState(); }); }; handleAjaxError = function (event, jqxhr, settings, exception) { $('div.output').html("Error occured while posting your code."); refreshKrumoState(); }; initializeAce = function () { var PhpMode, code, storedCode; code = $('#' + options.editor).text(); // reload last session if (window.localStorage && code.match(/(<\?php)?\s*/)) { storedCode = localStorage.getItem('phpCode'); if (storedCode) { code = storedCode; } } $('#' + options.editor).replaceWith('
'); $('#' + options.editor).text(code); editor = ace.edit(options.editor); editor.focus(); editor.gotoLine(3, 0); // set mode PhpMode = require("ace/mode/php").Mode; editor.getSession().setMode(new PhpMode()); // tab size editor.getSession().setTabSize(options.tabsize); editor.getSession().setUseSoftTabs(true); // events editor.getSession().selection.on('changeCursor', updateStatusBar); if (window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Opera/') === 0) { editor.getSession().selection.on('changeSelection', prepareClippyButton); } // reset button if (window.localStorage) { $('.statusbar .reset').on('click', function (e) { editor.getSession().setValue('