@ -1,34 +1,34 @@ |
PHP Console |
=========== |
A web console to try your PHP code into |
**This is a slimmed-down fork modified to look like Sublime Text.** |
A web console to try your PHP code. |
Creating a test file or using php's interactive mode can be a bit cumbersome |
to try random php snippets. This allows you to run small bits of code easily |
right from your browser. |
It is secure since accessible only from the local host, and very easy to |
It is secure since it's accessible only from localhost, and very easy to |
setup and use. |
Screenshot |
---------- |
<img src="http://seld.be/_misc/php-console.png" alt="PHP Console screenshot" border="0" /> |
Installation |
------------ |
Clone the git repo or download it as a zip/tarball, drop it somewhere in your |
local web document root and access it with http://localhost/path/to/php-console |
You can also install it with Composer using this command: |
composer create-project --stability=dev --keep-vcs seld/php-console |
Clone the git repo and run `composer install`, and place somewhere it in your webroot. |
To update it just run `git pull` in the directory to pull the latest changes in. |
You can also use the internal PHP server - just run: |
$ php -S localhost:1337 |
And go to `http://localhost:1337` |
You can use the internal PHP server too. |
run `php -S localhost:1337` in a terminal and go to `http://localhost:1337/`. |
Alternatively, use the `Makefile` - run `make` and the server will start. |
Configuration |
------------- |
@ -41,54 +41,21 @@ Contributing |
Code contributions or ideas are obviously much welcome. Send pull requests or issues on github. |
Author |
------ |
Jordi Boggiano - <j.boggiano@seld.be><br /> |
<http://seld.be/> - <http://twitter.com/seldaek> |
Changelog |
--------- |
- 1.5.0-dev |
- Added melody-script integration. requires a composer binary within the systems/webservers PATH env variable. |
- Updated bundled ACE editor to 1.1.8 |
- Layout is now flex-css based |
- Added a new `bootstrap` option to be include before source evaluation |
- Moved tabsize, ip-whitelist into an option |
- Added servers-side runtime information, to be rendered in the consoles statusbar |
- Allow configuring options |
- 1.4.0 |
- Added control-char escaping to make them more visible |
- 1.3.0 |
- Added code persistence across sessions in localStorage + a reset button |
- 1.2.3 |
- Fixed syntax highlighting |
- Fixed some styling issues |
- Fixed ajax error handling for non responding backends |
- 1.2.2 |
- Updated ACE to latest version |
- Added composer.json support |
- 1.2.1 |
- Performance fixes for ACE editor integration |
- JS is no longer a requirement |
- 1.2.0 |
- Replaced built-in editor with [ACE editor](http://ace.ajax.org/) which provides highlighting and |
[other features](https://github.com/ajaxorg/ace/wiki/Default-Keyboard-Shortcuts) |
- Handle old setups with magic_quotes enabled |
- 1.1.2 |
- Fixed issue with IPv6 loopback not being whitelisted |
- 1.1.1 |
- Cross-browser compatibility enhancements |
- 1.1.0 |
- Script execution is now done via an async js request, preventing die() and exception to mess up the entire console |
- Added a status bar with char/line display |
- Added a toggle button to expand/collapse all krumo sub-trees at once |
- Cross-browser compatibility enhancements |
- Removing a tab (i.e. 4 spaces) on backspace now |
- Made tab character(s) configurable (see index.php) |
- 1.0.0 |
- Initial Public Release |
Authors |
------- |
Project originally by: |
Jordi Boggiano - [j.boggiano@seld.be](mailto:j.boggiano@seld.be) |
[seld.be](http://seld.be/) - [@seldaek](http://twitter.com/seldaek) |
[github.com/Seldaek/php-console](https://github.com/Seldaek/php-console) |
Modified by: |
Ondřej Hruška - [ondra@ondrovo.com](mailto:ondra@ondrovo.com) |
[www.ondrovo.com](http://www.ondrovo.com) - [@MightyPork](http://twitter.com/MightyPork) |
[github.com/MightyPork/php-console](https://github.com/MightyPork/php-console) |
License |
------- |
@ -102,7 +69,5 @@ Acknowledgements |
PHP Console bundles the following libraries, and the work of their respective authors is very much appreciated: |
- [krumo](http://krumo.sourceforge.net/) licensed under the LGPL |
- [jQuery](http://jquery.com) licensed under the MIT License |
- [ACE](http://ace.ajax.org/) licensed under the MPL/LGPL/GPL Licenses |
- [Clippy](https://github.com/mojombo/clippy) licensed under the MIT License |