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use SensioLabs\Melody\Melody;
use SensioLabs\Melody\Configuration\RunConfiguration;
use Symfony\Component\Process\Process;
use SensioLabs\Melody\Resource\ResourceParser;
* Class which integrates melody scripts into the php-console.
* @author mstaab
* @see
class MelodyPlugin {
public function isMelodyScript($source) {
return preg_match(ResourceParser::MELODY_PATTERN, $source);
public function isScriptingSupported() {
// the melody lib is bundled with the console, so the only additional requirement is a composer CLI
exec('which composer', $out, $ret);
return $ret === 0;
public function runScript($__source_code, $__bootstrap_file)
$tmpDir = sys_get_temp_dir() . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'melody-composer';
// make sure the melody subprocess has a composer home,
// which is not the case when running from webcontext
$_ENV['COMPOSER_HOME'] = $tmpDir;
$melody = new Melody();
$configuration = new RunConfiguration(/*true, true*/);
$executor = function (Process $process, $verbose)
$callback = function ($type, $text)
// we only have one output channel to the browser, just echo "all the things"
echo $text;
//TODO missing $__bootstrap_file support
if ($__bootstrap_file) {
require $__bootstrap_file;
$tmpFile = tempnam($tmpDir, '_script');
register_shutdown_function(function() use ($tmpFile) {
file_put_contents($tmpFile, $__source_code);
$melody->run($tmpFile, array(), $configuration, $executor);