use std::path::{Path, PathBuf}; use std::sync::Arc; use elefren::{scopes, FediClient, Registration, Scopes}; use futures::StreamExt; use tokio::sync::RwLock; use data::{GroupConfig}; use crate::error::GroupError; use crate::group_handler::GroupHandle; use std::time::Duration; use crate::store::data::CommonConfig; pub(crate) mod data; #[derive(Debug, Default)] pub struct ConfigStore { store_path: PathBuf, config: Arc, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct NewGroupOptions { pub server: String, pub acct: String, } #[derive(Debug)] pub struct StoreOptions { pub store_dir: String, } impl ConfigStore { /// Create a new instance of the store. /// If a path is given, it will try to load the content from a file. pub async fn load_from_fs(options: StoreOptions) -> Result, GroupError> { let given_path: &Path = options.store_dir.as_ref(); let mut common_file : Option = None; let base_dir : PathBuf; if given_path.is_file() { if given_path.extension().unwrap_or_default().to_string_lossy() == "json" { // this is a groups.json file common_file = Some(given_path.to_owned()); base_dir = given_path.parent().ok_or_else(|| GroupError::BadConfig("no parent dir".into()))?.to_owned(); } else { return Err(GroupError::BadConfig("bad config file, should be JSON".into())); } } else if given_path.is_dir() { let cf = given_path.join("groups.json"); if cf.is_file() { common_file = Some(cf); } base_dir = given_path.to_owned(); } else { return Err(GroupError::BadConfig("bad config file/dir".into())); } if !base_dir.is_dir() { return Err(GroupError::BadConfig("base dir does not exist".into())); } let config : CommonConfig = if let Some(cf) = &common_file { let f = tokio::fs::read(&cf).await?; serde_json::from_slice(&f)? } else { CommonConfig::default() }; Ok(Arc::new(Self { store_path: base_dir.to_owned(), config: Arc::new(config), })) } /// Spawn a new group pub async fn auth_new_group(self: &Arc, opts: NewGroupOptions) -> Result { let registration = Registration::new(&opts.server) .client_name("group-actor") .force_login(true) .scopes(make_scopes()) .build() .await?; println!("--- Authenticating NEW bot user @{} ---", opts.acct); let client = elefren::helpers::cli::authenticate(registration).await?; let appdata =; let group_dir = self.store_path.join(&opts.acct); let data = GroupConfig::from_appdata(opts.acct.clone(), appdata, group_dir).await?; // save & persist let group_account = match client.verify_credentials().await { Ok(account) => { info!( "Group account verified: @{}, \"{}\"", account.acct, account.display_name ); account } Err(e) => { error!("Group @{} auth error: {}", opts.acct, e); return Err(e.into()); } }; Ok(GroupHandle { group_account, client, config: data, common_config: self.config.clone(), }) } /// Re-auth an existing group pub async fn reauth_group(self: &Arc, acct: &str) -> Result { let group_dir = self.store_path.join(&acct); let mut config = GroupConfig::from_dir(group_dir).await?; println!("--- Re-authenticating bot user @{} ---", acct); let registration = Registration::new(config.get_appdata().base.to_string()) .client_name("group-actor") .force_login(true) .scopes(make_scopes()) .build() .await?; let client = elefren::helpers::cli::authenticate(registration).await?; println!("Auth complete"); let appdata =; config.set_appdata(appdata); config.save_if_needed(true).await?; let group_account = match client.verify_credentials().await { Ok(account) => { info!( "Group account verified: @{}, \"{}\"", account.acct, account.display_name ); account } Err(e) => { error!("Group @{} auth error: {}", acct, e); return Err(e.into()); } }; Ok(GroupHandle { group_account, client, config, common_config: self.config.clone(), }) } /// Spawn existing group using saved creds pub async fn spawn_groups(self: Arc) -> Result, GroupError> { let dirs = std::fs::read_dir(&self.store_path.join("groups.d"))?; // Connect in parallel Ok(futures::stream::iter(dirs) .map(|entry_maybe : Result| async { match entry_maybe { Ok(entry) => { let mut gc = GroupConfig::from_dir(entry.path()) .await.ok()?; if !gc.is_enabled() { debug!("Group @{} is DISABLED", gc.get_acct()); return None; } debug!("Connecting to @{}", gc.get_acct()); let client = FediClient::from(gc.get_appdata().clone()); let my_account = match client.verify_credentials().await { Ok(account) => { info!( "Group account verified: @{}, \"{}\"", account.acct, account.display_name ); account } Err(e) => { error!("Group @{} auth error: {}", gc.get_acct(), e); return None; } }; Some(GroupHandle { group_account: my_account, client, config: gc, common_config: self.config.clone(), }) } Err(e) => { error!("{}", e); None } } }) .buffer_unordered(8) .collect::>() .await .into_iter() .flatten() .collect()) } pub async fn group_exists(&self, acct : &str) -> bool { self.store_path.join(acct) .join("config.json") .is_file() } } fn make_scopes() -> Scopes { Scopes::read_all() | Scopes::write(scopes::Write::Statuses) | Scopes::write(scopes::Write::Media) | Scopes::write(scopes::Write::Follows) }