# Fork-Awesome customizer This is a little hack to let you generate custom Fork-Awesome builds with only a subset of icons. ![screenshot](screenshot.png) ## How to use 1. Make sure you cloned this repository recursively, i.e. the `Fork-Awesome/` folder is not empty. - You can fix that by running `git submodule init` and `git submodule update` 2. Run `./install.sh`. This should prepare the FA submodule for building the font. 3. Verify that files `wanted.all.ini` and `wanted.none.ini` have been created. 4. Copy either of the "wanted" template files to `wanted.ini`, and customize it as needed. Lines starting with `#` will be excluded. Use the [FA icons page](https://forkawesome.github.io/Fork-Awesome/icons/) for reference. 5. Run `./build.sh` to build your customized font. 6. Retrieve your output files from the `output/` directory. Note: The "woff" file may fail to build, resulting in the make target in `Fork-Awesome/src/icons` failing, in which case you get no files. A workaround is to comment out that line by prepending it with `#`, and trying to build again. ```patch cp ${FA_FONTCUSTOM_OUTPUT_DIR}/forkawesome.svg ${FA_ROOT_FONTS_DIR}/forkawesome-webfont.svg cp ${FA_FONTCUSTOM_OUTPUT_DIR}/forkawesome.ttf ${FA_ROOT_FONTS_DIR}/forkawesome-webfont.ttf - cp ${FA_FONTCUSTOM_OUTPUT_DIR}/forkawesome.woff ${FA_ROOT_FONTS_DIR}/forkawesome-webfont.woff + #cp ${FA_FONTCUSTOM_OUTPUT_DIR}/forkawesome.woff ${FA_ROOT_FONTS_DIR}/forkawesome-webfont.woff cp ${FA_FONTCUSTOM_OUTPUT_DIR}/forkawesome.woff2 ${FA_ROOT_FONTS_DIR}/forkawesome-webfont.woff2 ```