#!/bin/bash if [ ! -f "./Fork-Awesome/.git" ]; then echo -e "\x1b[31;1mFA submodule is not initialized, exit...\x1b[m" echo -e "Hint: try \x1b[36mgit submodule init && git submodule update\x1b[m" exit fi npm install if [ ! -d "./node_modules" ]; then echo -e "\x1b[31;1mFnode_modules not found, did npm fail?\x1b[m" exit fi cd Fork-Awesome echo "=== Ensuring FA is up-to-date ===" git fetch && git reset --hard origin/master echo "=== Installing ruby dependencies ===" echo "This will take a while, but only the first time. Please stand by..." bundle install --path vendor/bundle echo echo "=== Installing NODE dependencies ===" npm install echo echo ">>> If no errors occured, FA should be ready to build." echo -e "\x1b[90m(npm complaining about vulnerabilities is probably okay)\x1b[m" cd .. echo "=== Refreshing templates for building a customized font ===" rm -rf "./patcher/templates/*" cp "./Fork-Awesome/src/icons/.fontcustom-manifest.json" "./patcher/templates" cp "./Fork-Awesome/src/icons/fontcustom.yml" "./patcher/templates" cp "./Fork-Awesome/src/icons/icons.yml" "./patcher/templates" cp -R "./Fork-Awesome/src/icons/svg" "./patcher/templates" (cd ./patcher && node ./patcher-init.js)