[package] name = "elefren" version = "0.22.0" description = "A wrapper around the Mastodon API." authors = ["Aaron Power ", "Paul Woolcock "] license = "MIT/Apache-2.0" readme = "README.md" repository = "https://github.com/pwoolcoc/elefren.git" keywords = ["api", "web", "social", "mastodon", "wrapper"] categories = ["web-programming", "web-programming::http-client", "api-bindings"] edition = "2018" [dependencies] doc-comment = "0.3" #envy = { version = "0.4.0", optional = true } hyper-old-types = "0.11.0" # Used to parse the link header isolang = { version = "1.0", features = ["serde_serialize"] } log = "^0.4" reqwest = { version = "0.11.4", default-features = false, features = ["json", "blocking", "multipart", "rustls-tls", "stream"] } serde = { version = "1", features = ["derive"] } serde_json = "1" serde_urlencoded = "0.6.1" serde_qs = "0.8.4" url = "2.1.1" #tap-reader = "1" toml = { version = "^0.5.0", optional = true } tokio-tungstenite = { version = "0.15.0", features = ["rustls-tls"] } futures = { version = "0.3" } tokio = {version = "1", features = ["full"] } tokio-util = { version = "0.6", features = [ "compat", "io" ] } chrono = { version = "0.4", features = ["serde"] }