use envy; use data::Data; use Result; /// Attempts to deserialize a Data struct from the environment pub fn from_env() -> Result { Ok(envy::from_env()?) } /// Attempts to deserialize a Data struct from the environment. All keys are /// prefixed with the given prefix pub fn from_env_prefixed(prefix: &str) -> Result { Ok(envy::prefixed(prefix).from_env()?) } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use std::{ env, ops::FnOnce, panic::{catch_unwind, UnwindSafe}, }; fn withenv R + UnwindSafe, R>(prefix: Option<&'static str>, test: F) -> R { env::set_var(makekey(prefix, "BASE"), ""); env::set_var(makekey(prefix, "CLIENT_ID"), "adbc01234"); env::set_var(makekey(prefix, "CLIENT_SECRET"), "0987dcba"); env::set_var(makekey(prefix, "REDIRECT"), "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob"); env::set_var(makekey(prefix, "TOKEN"), "fedc5678"); let result = catch_unwind(test); env::remove_var(makekey(prefix, "BASE")); env::remove_var(makekey(prefix, "CLIENT_ID")); env::remove_var(makekey(prefix, "CLIENT_SECRET")); env::remove_var(makekey(prefix, "REDIRECT")); env::remove_var(makekey(prefix, "TOKEN")); fn makekey(prefix: Option<&'static str>, key: &str) -> String { if let Some(prefix) = prefix { format!("{}{}", prefix, key) } else { key.to_string() } } result.expect("failed") } #[test] fn test_from_env_no_prefix() { let desered = withenv(None, || from_env()).expect("Couldn't deser"); assert_eq!( desered, Data { base: "".into(), client_id: "adbc01234".into(), client_secret: "0987dcba".into(), redirect: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".into(), token: "fedc5678".into(), } ); } #[test] fn test_from_env_prefixed() { let desered = withenv(Some("APP_"), || from_env_prefixed("APP_")).expect("Couldn't deser"); assert_eq!( desered, Data { base: "".into(), client_id: "adbc01234".into(), client_secret: "0987dcba".into(), redirect: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".into(), token: "fedc5678".into(), } ); } }