//! A module containing everything relating to a account returned from the api. use chrono::prelude::*; use reqwest::multipart::Form; use serde::de::{self, Deserialize, Deserializer, Unexpected}; use std::path::Path; use Result; /// A struct representing an Account. #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct Account { /// Equals `username` for local users, includes `@domain` for remote ones. pub acct: String, /// URL to the avatar image pub avatar: String, /// URL to the avatar static image (gif) pub avatar_static: String, /// The time the account was created. pub created_at: DateTime, /// The account's display name. pub display_name: String, /// The number of followers for the account. pub followers_count: u64, /// The number of accounts the given account is following. pub following_count: u64, /// URL to the header image. pub header: String, /// URL to the header static image (gif). pub header_static: String, /// The ID of the account. pub id: String, /// Boolean for when the account cannot be followed without waiting for /// approval first. pub locked: bool, /// Biography of user. pub note: String, /// The number of statuses the account has made. pub statuses_count: u64, /// URL of the user's profile page (can be remote). pub url: String, /// The username of the account. pub username: String, /// An extra attribute given from `verify_credentials` giving defaults about /// a user pub source: Option, /// If the owner decided to switch accounts, new account is in /// this attribute pub moved: Option>, } /// An extra object given from `verify_credentials` giving defaults about a user #[derive(Debug, Clone, Deserialize)] pub struct Source { privacy: ::status_builder::Visibility, #[serde(deserialize_with = "string_or_bool")] sensitive: bool, note: String, } fn string_or_bool<'de, D: Deserializer<'de>>(val: D) -> ::std::result::Result { #[derive(Clone, Debug, Deserialize)] #[serde(untagged)] pub enum BoolOrString { Bool(bool), Str(String), } Ok(match BoolOrString::deserialize(val)? { BoolOrString::Bool(b) => b, BoolOrString::Str(ref s) => { if s == "true" { true } else if s == "false" { false } else { return Err(de::Error::invalid_value( Unexpected::Str(s), &"true or false", )); } }, }) } /// Data structure used for updating user credentials #[derive(Debug)] pub struct CredentialsBuilder<'a> { display_name: Option<&'a str>, note: Option<&'a str>, avatar: Option<&'a Path>, header: Option<&'a Path>, } impl<'a> CredentialsBuilder<'a> { /// Turns a `CredentialsForm` into a form suitable for PUTing to the /// endpoint pub fn into_form(self) -> Result
{ let mut form = Form::new(); macro_rules! add_to_form { ($key:ident : Text; $($rest:tt)*) => {{ if let Some(val) = self.$key { form = form.text(stringify!($key), val.to_owned()); } add_to_form!{$($rest)*} }}; ($key:ident : File; $($rest:tt)*) => {{ if let Some(val) = self.$key { form = form.file(stringify!($key), val)?; } add_to_form!{$($rest)*} }}; () => {} } add_to_form! { display_name: Text; note: Text; avatar: File; header: File; } Ok(form) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::*; use tempfile::NamedTempFile; #[test] fn test_credentials_builder_to_form() { let avatar = NamedTempFile::new().expect("Couldn't make avatar file"); let header = NamedTempFile::new().expect("Couldn't make header file"); let tests = [ (None, None, None, None), (Some("my-display-name"), None, None, None), (None, Some("my-note"), None, None), (None, None, Some(avatar.path().clone()), None), (None, None, None, Some(header.path().clone())), (Some("my-display-name"), Some("my-note"), None, None), ( Some("my-display-name"), None, Some(avatar.path().clone()), None, ), (None, Some("my-note"), Some(avatar.path().clone()), None), (None, Some("my-note"), None, Some(header.path().clone())), ( None, None, Some(avatar.path().clone()), Some(header.path().clone()), ), ( Some("my-display-name"), None, None, Some(header.path().clone()), ), ( Some("my-display-name"), Some("my-note"), Some(avatar.path().clone()), None, ), ( Some("my-display-name"), Some("my-note"), None, Some(header.path().clone()), ), ( Some("my-display-name"), None, Some(avatar.path().clone()), Some(header.path().clone()), ), ( None, Some("my-note"), Some(avatar.path().clone()), Some(header.path().clone()), ), ( Some("my-display-name"), Some("my-note"), Some(avatar.path().clone()), Some(header.path().clone()), ), ]; for test in tests.into_iter() { let (display_name, note, avatar, header) = test; let credentials_builder = CredentialsBuilder { display_name: *display_name, note: *note, avatar: *avatar, header: *header, }; let _form = credentials_builder .into_form() .expect("could not create form"); } } }