macro_rules! methods { ($($method:ident,)+) => { $( fn $method serde::Deserialize<'de>>(&self, url: String) -> Result { let response = self.send( &mut self.client.$method(&url) )?; deserialise(response) } )+ }; } macro_rules! paged_routes { (($method:ident) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `/api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set.", "\n", "```no_run", "# extern crate elefren;\n", "# use elefren::prelude::*;\n", "# fn main() -> Result<(), Box<::std::error::Error>> {\n", "# let data = Data {\n", "# base: \"\".into(),\n", "# client_id: \"taosuah\".into(),\n", "# client_secret: \"htnjdiuae\".into(),\n", "# redirect: \"\".into(),\n", "# token: \"tsaohueaheis\".into(),\n", "# };\n", "let client = Mastodon::from(data);\n", "client.", stringify!($name), "();\n", "# Ok(())\n", "# }\n", "```" ), fn $name(&self) -> Result> { let url = self.route(concat!("/api/v1/", $url)); let response = self.send( &mut self.client.$method(&url) )?; Page::new(self, response) } } paged_routes!{$($rest)*} }; () => {} } macro_rules! route { ((post multipart ($($param:ident: $typ:ty,)*)) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `/api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set."), fn $name(&self, $($param: $typ,)*) -> Result<$ret> { use reqwest::multipart::Form; let form_data = Form::new() $( .file(stringify!($param), $param.as_ref())? )*; let response = self.send( self.client .post(&self.route(concat!("/api/v1/", $url))) .multipart(form_data) )?; let status = response.status().clone(); if status.is_client_error() { return Err(Error::Client(status)); } else if status.is_server_error() { return Err(Error::Server(status)); } deserialise(response) } } route!{$($rest)*} }; (($method:ident ($($param:ident: $typ:ty,)*)) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `/api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set.", ), fn $name(&self, $($param: $typ,)*) -> Result<$ret> { let form_data = json!({ $( stringify!($param): $param, )* }); let response = self.send( self.client.$method(&self.route(concat!("/api/v1/", $url))) .json(&form_data) )?; let status = response.status().clone(); if status.is_client_error() { return Err(Error::Client(status)); } else if status.is_server_error() { return Err(Error::Server(status)); } deserialise(response) } } route!{$($rest)*} }; (($method:ident) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `/api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set.", "\n", "```no_run", "# extern crate elefren;\n", "# use elefren::prelude::*;\n", "# fn main() -> Result<(), Box<::std::error::Error>> {\n", "# let data = Data {\n", "# base: \"\".into(),\n", "# client_id: \"taosuah\".into(),\n", "# client_secret: \"htnjdiuae\".into(),\n", "# redirect: \"\".into(),\n", "# token: \"tsaohueaheis\".into(),\n", "# };\n", "let client = Mastodon::from(data);\n", "client.", stringify!($name), "();\n", "# Ok(())\n", "# }\n", "```" ), fn $name(&self) -> Result<$ret> { self.$method(self.route(concat!("/api/v1/", $url))) } } route!{$($rest)*} }; () => {} } macro_rules! route_id { ($(($method:ident) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty,)*) => { $( doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `/api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set.", "\n", "```no_run", "# extern crate elefren;\n", "# use elefren::prelude::*;\n", "# fn main() -> Result<(), Box<::std::error::Error>> {\n", "# let data = Data {\n", "# base: \"\".into(),\n", "# client_id: \"taosuah\".into(),\n", "# client_secret: \"htnjdiuae\".into(),\n", "# redirect: \"\".into(),\n", "# token: \"tsaohueaheis\".into(),\n", "# };\n", "let client = Mastodon::from(data);\n", "client.", stringify!($name), "(42);\n", "# Ok(())\n", "# }\n", "```" ), fn $name(&self, id: u64) -> Result<$ret> { self.$method(self.route(&format!(concat!("/api/v1/", $url), id))) } } )* } } macro_rules! paged_routes_with_id { (($method:ident) $name:ident: $url:expr => $ret:ty, $($rest:tt)*) => { doc_comment! { concat!( "Equivalent to `/api/v1/", $url, "`\n# Errors\nIf `access_token` is not set.", "\n", "```no_run", "# extern crate elefren;\n", "# use elefren::prelude::*;\n", "# fn main() -> Result<(), Box<::std::error::Error>> {\n", "# let data = Data {\n", "# base: \"\".into(),\n", "# client_id: \"taosuah\".into(),\n", "# client_secret: \"htnjdiuae\".into(),\n", "# redirect: \"\".into(),\n", "# token: \"tsaohueaheis\".into(),\n", "# };\n", "let client = Mastodon::from(data);\n", "client.", stringify!($name), "(\"some-id\");\n", "# Ok(())\n", "# }\n", "```" ), fn $name(&self, id: &str) -> Result> { let url = self.route(&format!(concat!("/api/v1/", $url), id)); let response = self.send( &mut self.client.$method(&url) )?; Page::new(self, response) } } route!{$($rest)*} }; }