mastodon API rust lib elefren, fixed and updated. and also all ASYNC! NB. most examples are now wrong.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

142 lines
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use std::fmt;
use std::io::Read;
use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
/// A builder pattern struct for preparing a single attachment for upload.
/// For more details, see [`new_media()`](struct.Mastodon.html#method.new_media).
pub struct MediaBuilder {
/// The media attachment itself
pub data: MediaBuilderData,
/// The filename to send to the server
pub filename: Option<String>,
/// Mimetype to send to the server, identifying what is in the attachment.
/// The string should be a valid mimetype.
pub mimetype: Option<String>,
/// Plain text description of the attached piece of media, for accessibility
pub description: Option<String>,
/// (x, y) focus point, used by clients to determine how to crop an image
pub focus: Option<(f64, f64)>,
/// Enum representing possible sources of attachments to upload
pub enum MediaBuilderData {
/// An arbitrary reader. It is useful for reading from media already in memory.
Reader(Box<dyn Read + Send>),
/// Variant represening a file path of the file to attach.
impl fmt::Debug for MediaBuilderData {
fn fmt(&self, fmt: &mut fmt::Formatter) -> fmt::Result {
match self {
MediaBuilderData::File(f) => fmt.debug_tuple("File").field(&f).finish(),
MediaBuilderData::Reader(_) => fmt.debug_tuple("Reader").field(&format_args!("...")).finish(),
impl MediaBuilder {
/// Create a new MediaBuilder from a reader `data`
pub fn from_reader<R: Read + Send + 'static>(data: R) -> MediaBuilder {
MediaBuilder {
data: MediaBuilderData::Reader(Box::from(data)),
filename: None,
mimetype: None,
description: None,
focus: None,
/// Create a new MediaBuilder from a file under `path`
/// This function will not check whether the file exists or if it can be read. If the path is
/// not valid, [`add_media()`](trait.MastodonClient.html#method.add_media) will return an error when called with the `MediaBuilder`.
pub fn from_file(path: impl AsRef<Path>) -> MediaBuilder {
let pb = path.as_ref().to_owned();
let filename = pb.file_name().expect("file name").to_string_lossy().to_string();
let mimetype = match pb.extension().map(|s| s.to_str()).flatten() {
Some("jpg") | Some("jpeg") => Some("image/jpeg".to_string()),
Some("png") => Some("image/png".to_string()),
Some("gif") => Some("image/gif".to_string()),
Some("txt") => Some("text/plain".to_string()),
// ...
_ => None,
MediaBuilder {
data: MediaBuilderData::File(pb),
filename: Some(filename),
description: None,
focus: None,
4 years ago
/// Set filename
pub fn filename(&mut self, filename: impl ToString) {
self.filename = Some(filename.to_string());
/// Set custom mime type
pub fn mimetype(&mut self, mimetype: impl ToString) {
self.mimetype = Some(mimetype.to_string());
/// Set an alt text description for the attachment.
pub fn description(&mut self, description: impl ToString) {
self.description = Some(description.to_string());
/// Set a focus point for an image attachment.
pub fn focus(&mut self, f1: f64, f2: f64) {
self.focus = Some((f1, f2));
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::io::Cursor;
fn test_from_reader() {
let source = vec![0u8, 1, 2];
let builder = MediaBuilder::from_reader(Cursor::new(source.clone()));
assert_eq!(builder.filename, None);
assert_eq!(builder.mimetype, None);
assert_eq!(builder.description, None);
assert_eq!(builder.focus, None);
if let MediaBuilderData::Reader(r) = {
assert_eq!(r.bytes().map(|b| b.unwrap()).collect::<Vec<u8>>(), source);
} else {
panic!("Unable to destructure into a reader");
fn test_from_file() {
let builder = MediaBuilder::from_file("/fake/file/path.png".into());
assert_eq!(builder.filename, None);
assert_eq!(builder.mimetype, None);
assert_eq!(builder.description, None);
assert_eq!(builder.focus, None);
if let MediaBuilderData::File(f) = {
assert_eq!(f, "/fake/file/path.png");
} else {
panic!("Unable to destructure into a filepath");