mastodon API rust lib elefren, fixed and updated. and also all ASYNC! NB. most examples are now wrong.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

232 lines
7.4 KiB

use std::{
fs::{File, OpenOptions},
io::{BufWriter, Read, Write},
use serde_json;
use data::Data;
use Result;
/// Attempts to deserialize a Data struct from a string
pub fn from_str(s: &str) -> Result<Data> {
/// Attempts to deserialize a Data struct from a slice of bytes
pub fn from_slice(s: &[u8]) -> Result<Data> {
/// Attempts to deserialize a Data struct from something that implements
/// the std::io::Read trait
pub fn from_reader<R: Read>(mut r: R) -> Result<Data> {
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
r.read_to_end(&mut buffer)?;
/// Attempts to deserialize a Data struct from a file
pub fn from_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(path: P) -> Result<Data> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let file = File::open(path)?;
/// Attempts to serialize a Data struct to a String
pub fn to_string(data: &Data) -> Result<String> {
/// Attempts to serialize a Data struct to a Vec of bytes
pub fn to_vec(data: &Data) -> Result<Vec<u8>> {
/// Attempts to serialize a Data struct to something that implements the
/// std::io::Write trait
pub fn to_writer<W: Write>(data: &Data, writer: W) -> Result<()> {
let mut buf_writer = BufWriter::new(writer);
let vec = to_vec(data)?;
/// Attempts to serialize a Data struct to a file
/// When opening the file, this will set the `.write(true)` and
/// `.truncate(true)` options, use the next method for more
/// fine-grained control
pub fn to_file<P: AsRef<Path>>(data: &Data, path: P) -> Result<()> {
let mut options = OpenOptions::new();
to_file_with_options(data, path, options)?;
/// Attempts to serialize a Data struct to a file
pub fn to_file_with_options<P: AsRef<Path>>(
data: &Data,
path: P,
options: OpenOptions,
) -> Result<()> {
let path = path.as_ref();
let file =;
to_writer(data, file)?;
mod tests {
use super::*;
use std::{fs::OpenOptions, io::Cursor};
use tempfile::{tempdir, NamedTempFile};
const DOC: &'static str = indoc!(
"base": "",
"client_id": "adbc01234",
"client_secret": "0987dcba",
"redirect": "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob",
"token": "fedc5678"
fn test_from_str() {
let desered = from_str(DOC).expect("Couldn't deserialize Data");
Data {
base: "".into(),
client_id: "adbc01234".into(),
client_secret: "0987dcba".into(),
redirect: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".into(),
token: "fedc5678".into(),
fn test_from_slice() {
let doc = DOC.as_bytes();
let desered = from_slice(&doc).expect("Couldn't deserialize Data");
Data {
base: "".into(),
client_id: "adbc01234".into(),
client_secret: "0987dcba".into(),
redirect: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".into(),
token: "fedc5678".into(),
fn test_from_reader() {
let doc = DOC.as_bytes();
let doc = Cursor::new(doc);
let desered = from_reader(doc).expect("Couldn't deserialize Data");
Data {
base: "".into(),
client_id: "adbc01234".into(),
client_secret: "0987dcba".into(),
redirect: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".into(),
token: "fedc5678".into(),
fn test_from_file() {
let mut datafile = NamedTempFile::new().expect("Couldn't create tempfile");
write!(&mut datafile, "{}", DOC).expect("Couldn't write Data to file");
let desered = from_file(datafile.path()).expect("Couldn't deserialize Data");
Data {
base: "".into(),
client_id: "adbc01234".into(),
client_secret: "0987dcba".into(),
redirect: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".into(),
token: "fedc5678".into(),
fn test_to_string() {
let data = Data {
base: "".into(),
client_id: "adbc01234".into(),
client_secret: "0987dcba".into(),
redirect: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".into(),
token: "fedc5678".into(),
let s = to_string(&data).expect("Couldn't serialize Data");
let desered = from_str(&s).expect("Couldn't deserialize Data");
assert_eq!(data, desered);
fn test_to_vec() {
let data = Data {
base: "".into(),
client_id: "adbc01234".into(),
client_secret: "0987dcba".into(),
redirect: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".into(),
token: "fedc5678".into(),
let v = to_vec(&data).expect("Couldn't write to vec");
let desered = from_slice(&v).expect("Couldn't deserialize data");
assert_eq!(data, desered);
fn test_to_writer() {
let data = Data {
base: "".into(),
client_id: "adbc01234".into(),
client_secret: "0987dcba".into(),
redirect: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".into(),
token: "fedc5678".into(),
let mut buffer = Vec::new();
to_writer(&data, &mut buffer).expect("Couldn't write to writer");
let reader = Cursor::new(buffer);
let desered = from_reader(reader).expect("Couldn't deserialize Data");
assert_eq!(data, desered);
fn test_to_file() {
let data = Data {
base: "".into(),
client_id: "adbc01234".into(),
client_secret: "0987dcba".into(),
redirect: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".into(),
token: "fedc5678".into(),
let tempdir = tempdir().expect("Couldn't create tempdir");
let filename = tempdir.path().join("mastodon-data.json");
to_file(&data, &filename).expect("Couldn't write to file");
let desered = from_file(&filename).expect("Couldn't deserialize Data");
assert_eq!(data, desered);
fn test_to_file_with_options() {
let data = Data {
base: "".into(),
client_id: "adbc01234".into(),
client_secret: "0987dcba".into(),
redirect: "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob".into(),
token: "fedc5678".into(),
let file = NamedTempFile::new().expect("Couldn't create tempfile");
let mut options = OpenOptions::new();
to_file_with_options(&data, file.path(), options).expect("Couldn't write to file");
let desered = from_file(file.path()).expect("Couldn't deserialize Data");
assert_eq!(data, desered);