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Ondřej Hruška cf3120eb68
show table authors in the favourites listing
6 年前
app show table authors in the favourites listing 6 年前
bootstrap initial 6 年前
config added a donate and faq page 6 年前
database fix proposals table unable to rollback 6 年前
porklib fix injection bugs in table editor 6 年前
public added a donate and faq page 6 年前
resources allow faving own tables in the gui 6 年前
routes fix double faves 6 年前
sideload add toggle to disable regs 6 年前
storage add debugbar 6 年前
tests add column unique numbering scheme, more efficient selects 6 年前
vendor_patches implemented social identities management page + pw editing page. probably need to fix backend 6 年前
.editorconfig initial 6 年前
.env.example simple vue-based column editor 6 年前
.eslintrc add eslint and stuff 6 年前
.gitattributes initial 6 年前
.gitignore gitignore cleaning 6 年前
Makefile CSV import, also from file, and more UX improvements 6 年前
_json_typehints.php CSV import, also from file, and more UX improvements 6 年前
artisan initial 6 年前
composer.json user edit form 6 年前
composer.lock user edit form 6 年前
package-lock.json Note saving, revert buttons in review page 6 年前
package.json add eslint and stuff 6 年前 initial 6 年前
phpunit.xml initial 6 年前
server.php initial 6 年前
webpack.mix.js Merge branch 'editing', split darkmode to own file 6 年前