<?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use App\Models\EmailConfirmation; use App\Models\User; use Hash; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use Illuminate\Validation\Rule; use MightyPork\Utils\Str; /** * Account settings */ class AccountController extends Controller { public function editAccount() { return view('profile.edit-account', ['user' => user()]); } public function storeAccount(Request $request) { /** @var User $user */ $user = user(); $input = $this->validate($request, [ 'name' => [ 'required', VALI_NAME, Rule::unique('users')->ignoreModel($user), ], 'email' => [ 'required', VALI_EMAIL, Rule::unique('users')->ignoreModel($user), ], 'new_password' => ['nullable', 'confirmed', VALI_PASSWORD], ]); if ($input->email != $user->email) { $user->sendEmailConfirmationLink($input->email); flash()->warning("E-mail confirmation sent to $input->email.")->important(); unset($input->email); // prevent updating the field in the model via fill } $user->fill($input->all()); if ($input->has('new_password')) { $user->password = Hash::make($input->new_password); flash()->warning('Password changed'); } $user->save(); flash()->success('Settings saved'); return back(); } public function forgetSocialLogin($id) { $identity = user()->socialIdentities()->where('id', $id)->first(); if (null === $identity) { abort(404, "No such identity"); } $identity->delete(); return redirect(route('profile.manage-oauth')); } }