{{-- Profile edit form --}} @extends('layouts.app') @section('content') @php(Widget::setLayout(3, 7))
{!! Widget::header(1, 'Your Account') !!} {!! Widget::par('Confirm using the save button at the bottom.', 'text-muted') !!}
{!! Widget::header(2, 'Identifiers') !!} {!! Widget::par('Caution: Changing username will alter URLs of your tables.') !!} {!! Widget::text('name', 'Username')->value($user->name)->required() ->prepend('@') ->help('This is part of your vanity URL, and can be also used to login') !!} {!! Widget::par('E-mail change will apply after you confirm the new address. We will send you a confirmation link when you submit the form.', 'text-justify') !!} {!! Widget::email('email', 'E-Mail Address')->value($user->email)->required() ->help('Used to login and for password resets.') !!}
{!! Widget::header(2, 'Password Change') !!} {!! Widget::par('Leave empty to keep your current password (if any).') !!} {!! Widget::password('new_password', 'New Password') !!} {!! Widget::password('new_password_confirmation', 'Confirm New Password') !!}
{!! Widget::header(2, 'OAuth2 Logins') !!} {!! Widget::par(' Here you can remove identities you do not wish to use anymore. To completely revoke the authorization, also remove the app from your provider\'s settings. ', 'text-justify')!!} 'github', 'facebook' => 'facebook-square', 'google' => 'google', ]; ?> @if(!count($user->socialIdentities))
No identities connected.
@else @foreach($user->socialIdentities as $identity)
Nickname {{ $identity->nick_name }}
Full Name {{ $identity->full_name }}
E-Mail {{ $identity->email }}
User ID {{ $identity->provider_user_id }}
@endforeach @endif {!! Widget::par( 'Click the buttons below to add a new OAuth2 identity. You will be redirected to the authorization form.', 'text-justify' )!!}
Add identity
@set('services.oauth_providers.github.client_id') {{ __('GitHub') }} @endset @set('services.oauth_providers.google.client_id') {{ __('Google') }} @endset @set('services.oauth_providers.facebook.client_id') {{ __('Facebook') }} @endset