@php $tab = 'review'; /** @var \App\Tables\Changeset $changeset */ /** @var \App\Models\Table $table */ $rowChanges = $changeset->getRowChangeCounts(); $columnChanges = $changeset->getColumnChangeCounts(); $anyChanges = ($rowChanges->any || $columnChanges->any) && strlen(trim($changeset->note)) > 0; @endphp @extends('table.propose.layout') @section('tab-content')
@csrf {!! Widget::header(3, 'Change Summary') !!}
@if($rowChanges->any) @if($rowChanges->changed)
{{ $rowChanges->changed }} changed Reset
@endif @if($rowChanges->new)
{{ $rowChanges->new }} new Reset
@endif @if($rowChanges->removed)
{{ $rowChanges->removed }} removed Reset
@endif @else No changes @endif
@if($columnChanges->any) @if($columnChanges->changed)
{{ $columnChanges->changed }} changed Reset
@endif @if($columnChanges->new)
{{ $columnChanges->new }} new Reset
@endif @if($columnChanges->removed)
{{ $columnChanges->removed }} removed Reset
@endif @if($columnChanges->reordered)
Order changed Reset
@endif @else No changes @endif
{!! Widget::textarea('note', 'Summary')->value($changeset->note) ->help(user()->ownsTable($table) ? "Describe changes you made to the table; this message will annotate the new table revision." : "Describe you suggested changes. The table owner will read this message and review your changes before deciding whether to accept the proposal." )->minHeight('8em') !!}
@if($rowChanges->any || $columnChanges->any) Write a summary to submit your changes. @else No changes to submit. @endif
@stop @push('scripts') @endpush