{{-- Basic table view --}} @extends('layouts.app') @php /** @var \App\Models\Table $table */ @endphp @section('content')
{{ $table->owner->handle }}{{-- --}}/{{-- --}}{{ $table->name }}

{{ $table->title }}

@icon(fa-table, sr:Back to Table)
@php(Widget::setLayout(3, 7)) {!! Widget::header(2, 'Table Metadata') !!} {!! Widget::text('title', 'Title')->value($table->title) ->help('Unique among your tables') !!} {!! Widget::par('Changing table name will change its URL, possibly breaking external links or bookmarks!') !!} {!! Widget::text('name', 'Name')->value($table->name)->prepend(user()->handle.' /') ->help('Unique among your tables, and part of the URL; only letters, digits and some symbols are allowed.') !!} {!! Widget::textarea('description', 'Description')->value($table->description) ->height('8em') ->help('Description of the table. URLs in a full format will be clickable.') !!} {!! Widget::text('license', 'License')->value($table->license) ->help('License applicable to the table\'s data, if any. By default, all tables are CC0 or Public Domain.') !!} {!! Widget::text('origin', 'Adapted from')->value($table->origin) ->help('If you took the data from some external site, a book, etc., write it here. URLs in a full format will be clickable.') !!}
@php(Widget::setLayout(0, 12)) {!! Widget::header(2, 'Delete Table') !!} {!! Widget::par( 'Table deletion cannot be undone. However, data from the table may remain accessible if any users forked it.', 'mb-0') !!}
{!! Widget::par( 'Confirm table removal by typing its name:') !!}