'object', ]; protected $guarded = []; public $timestamps = false; public static function disableCasts() { array_push(self::$noCastsStack, self::$noCasts); self::$noCasts = true; } public static function enableCasts() { self::$noCasts = array_pop(self::$noCastsStack); } public function getCasts() { // This override is needed to prevent casting 'id' to int when it occurs // as a field in a result of the rowData query // (this caused display of zeros in string cols) return self::$noCasts ? [] : $this->casts; } public function getRowIdAttribute() { return $this->data->_id; } public function setRowIdAttribute($value) { $this->data->_id = $value; } public function scopeSortByCol(Builder $query, Column $column, $dir="asc") { $q = "data->>'".$column->id."'"; $dir = strtoupper($dir); switch ($column->type) { case 'int': $q = "CAST($q AS INTEGER) $dir"; break; case 'float': $q = "CAST($q AS FLOAT) $dir"; break; case 'string': // Without a size restriction and a cast, this query becomes VERY slow $q = "CAST($q AS CHAR(25)) $dir, data->>'_id' $dir"; // added _id as a fallback to ensure the order is the same between revisions break; case 'bool': $q = "CAST($q AS boolean) $dir"; break; default: throw new \LogicException("Missing SQL cast for column type $column->type, performance will suffer."); } return $query->orderByRaw($q); } /** * Allocate a single Global Row ID, application-unique. * * GRIDs are used to uniquely identify existing or proposed new rows, * and are preserved after row modifications, to ensure change proposals have * a clear target. * * @return int */ public static function allocateRowID() { return \DB::selectOne("SELECT nextval('global_row_id_seq') AS rid;")->rid; } /** * Allocate a block of Global Row IDs, application-unique. * * @see Row::allocateRowID() * * @return int[] first and last */ public static function allocateRowIDs($count) { if ($count == 0) return null; $last = \DB::selectOne("SELECT multi_nextval('global_row_id_seq', ?) AS last_id;", [$count])->last_id; return [$last - $count + 1, $last]; } /** * Allocate a single Global Column ID, application-unique. * * GCIDs are used to uniquely identify existing or proposed new columns, * and are preserved after column modifications, to ensure change proposals have * a clear target. This is the column equivalent of GRID. * * @return int */ public static function allocateColID() { return \DB::selectOne("SELECT nextval('global_column_id_seq') AS cid;")->cid; } /** * Allocate a block of Global Column IDs, application-unique. * * @see Row::allocateColID() * * @return int[] first and last */ public static function allocateColIDs($count) { $last = \DB::selectOne("SELECT multi_nextval('global_column_id_seq', ?) AS last_id;", [$count])->last_id; return [$last - $count + 1, $last]; } }