{{-- Profile edit form --}} @extends('layouts.app') @section('content')
@php(Widget::setLayout(3, 7)) {!! Widget::header(1, 'Settings') !!} {!! Widget::text('title', 'Display Name')->value($user->title)->required()->autofocus() ->help('Shown on your profile page, tables, comments, etc.') !!} {!! Widget::text('name', 'Username')->value($user->name)->required() ->prepend('@') ->help('Part of your vanity URL. Caution: changing this will alter URLs of your tables.') !!} {!! Widget::textarea('bio', 'About Me')->value($user->bio)->height('8em') ->help('This is shown in your profile box') !!} {!! Widget::text('website', 'Website')->value($user->website)->prepend('') ->help('Custom clickable link shown on your profile page.') !!} {!! Widget::email('email', 'E-Mail Address')->value($user->email)->required() ->help('Used to login and for password resets. This field is protected; a change will be applied only after you confirm the new e-mail address via a confirmation link we\'ll send you to it.') !!} {!! Widget::header(3, 'Password Change') !!} {!! Widget::par('Leave empty to keep your current password (if any).') !!} {!! Widget::password('new_password', 'New Password') !!} {!! Widget::password('new_password_confirmation', 'Confirm New Password') !!}