@extends('layouts.app') @section('content')

Terms of Service

datatable.directory is provided free of charge to the public with the expectation of being a useful development tool for sharing tables of structured data. The website hosts user-provided content and disclaims any responsibility for the correctness of this data.

The following categories of data are prohibited on the website:

  • Data taken from external sources without attribution
  • Proprietary data that cannot be redistributed due to license terms
  • Personal information shared without consent ("doxxing")
  • Racist, sexist, or otherwise offensive content
  • Anything illegal or questionable (such as links to pirated music, software, cracks, pornography, drug-related content etc.)

The site operators reserve the right to hide or delete any objectionable content. Engagement in harassment, racism, sexism, or other antisocial behavior within the site may result in account closure, and any such content will be deleted. Users are encouraged to report problematic submissions using the report button.

Further, we ask users to refrain from abusing the API or scraping the table pages when the results are invariant and can be easily cached. Excessive requests may result in user or IP ban to protect the server.
