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7 years ago
namespace App\Models;
use App\Models\Concerns\Reportable;
use App\Tables\Changeset;
use App\Tables\Column;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use MightyPork\Exceptions\NotApplicableException;
7 years ago
* Change proposal
* @property int $id
* @property \Carbon\Carbon $created_at
* @property \Carbon\Carbon $updated_at
* @property int $table_id
* @property int $revision_id
* @property int $author_id
* @property string $note
* @property Changeset $changeset - JSONB
* @property-read User $author
* @property-read Table $table
* @property-read Revision $revision
7 years ago
class Proposal extends BaseModel
7 years ago
use Reportable;
7 years ago
protected $guarded = [];
protected $touches = ['author', 'table'];
7 years ago
/** Authoring user */
public function author()
return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'author_id');
/** Target revision */
public function revision()
return $this->belongsTo(Revision::class);
/** Target table (that this was submitted to) */
public function table()
return $this->belongsTo(Table::class);
public function scopeUnmerged(Builder $query, Table $table)
return $query->whereRaw('
"id" NOT IN
(SELECT "proposal_id" FROM "revisions"
LEFT JOIN "table_revision_pivot"
ON "revisions"."id" = "table_revision_pivot"."revision_id"
WHERE "table_revision_pivot"."table_id" = ?)',
public function getChangesetAttribute()
$changeset = Changeset::fromObject(fromJSON($this->attributes['changes'], true));
$changeset->revision = $this->revision;
$changeset->table = $this->getAttribute('table');
$changeset->note = $this->note;
return $changeset;
public function setChangesetAttribute($value)
if ($value instanceof Changeset) {
$this->attributes['changes'] = toJSON($value->toObject());
} else {
throw new NotApplicableException("Only a Changeset may be set to Proposal->changes");
* Create a new Proposal instance wrapping this changeset,
* owned by the currently logged in User. The created instance
* is NOT saved yet.
* @param Changeset $changeset - changeset to hydrate the proposal with
* @return Proposal
public static function fromChangeset(Changeset $changeset)
if (!$changeset->hasAnyChanges()) {
throw new NotApplicableException('No changes to propose.');
if (empty($changeset->note)) {
throw new NotApplicableException('Proposal note must be filled.');
if ($changeset->table == null || !$changeset->table instanceof Table) {
throw new NotApplicableException('Table not assigned to Changeset');
if ($changeset->revision == null || !$changeset->revision instanceof Revision) {
throw new NotApplicableException('Revision not assigned to Changeset');
// Assign unique row IDs to new rows (they use temporary negative IDs in a draft)
return new Proposal([
// relations
'table_id' => $changeset->table->getKey(),
'revision_id' => $changeset->revision->getKey(),
'author_id' => \user()->getKey(),
// the proposal info
'note' => $changeset->note,
'changeset' => $changeset, // this is without a note
* Accept the proposed changes: create a new revision based on the parent revision
* and changes described in this Proposal, and link it to the table.
public function createRevision()
DB::transaction(function () {
$changeset = $this->changeset;
$columns = $changeset->fetchAndTransformColumns();
$newRevision = new Revision([
'ancestor_id' => $changeset->revision->getKey(),
'proposal_id' => $this->getKey(),
'note' => $changeset->note,
'row_count' => 0, // Will be set later when we are sure about the row count
'columns' => array_map(function(Column $c) {
return $c->toArray(false);
}, $columns),
$newRevision->save(); // this gives it an ID, needed to associate rows
// --- Copy over rows that are left unchanged ---
// ...this directly works with the pivot
$removedRowIds = (array)($changeset->removedRows ?? []);
$changedRowIds = array_keys((array)($changeset->rowUpdates ?? []));
$excludedGRIDs = array_merge($removedRowIds, $changedRowIds);
$excluded_ids = [];
if ($excludedGRIDs) {
$questionmarks = str_repeat('?,', count($excludedGRIDs) - 1) . '?';
$excluded_ids = $changeset->revision->rows()->whereRaw("data->'_id' IN ($questionmarks)", $excludedGRIDs)
$query = '
INSERT INTO revision_row_pivot
SELECT ? as revision_id, row_id FROM revision_row_pivot
WHERE revision_id = ?';
$subs = [
if ($excluded_ids) {
$questionmarks = str_repeat('?,', count($excluded_ids) - 1) . '?';
$query .= ' AND row_id NOT IN (' . $questionmarks . ')';
$subs = array_merge($subs, $excluded_ids);
DB::statement($query, $subs);
// --- Insert modified rows ---
if ($changeset->rowUpdates) {
$ids = array_keys($changeset->rowUpdates);
$questionmarks = str_repeat('?,', count($ids) - 1) . '?';
$toChange = $changeset->revision->rows()->whereRaw("data->'_id' IN ($questionmarks)", $ids)->get();
$updateData = [];
foreach ($toChange as $row) {
$updateData[] = new Row([
'data' => $changeset->transformRow($row->data, false),
// --- Insert new rows ---
if ($changeset->newRows) {
$newRowData = [];
foreach ($changeset->newRows as $newRow) {
$newRowData[] = new Row(['data' => $newRow]);
$newRevision->update(['row_count' => $newRevision->rows()->count()]);
// --- Attach this revision to the table ---
$changeset->table->update(['revision_id' => $newRevision->getKey()]);
7 years ago