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Row editor for the edit-rows or add-rows card of table editor
Rows and columns marked for removal have x._remove=true
New columns have col._new=true
Changed rows have r._changed = [ids of changed fields]
and r._orig = [previous values]
Rows are identified by row._id, columns by
<div class="col-md-12 d-flex mt-3">
<div v-if="hasPages" v-html="pager"></div>
<div class="flex-grow-1"></div>
<form :action="route" method="POST" v-if="newRows" class="form-inline mr-2">
<input type="hidden" name="_token" :value="csrf">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="rows.add">
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" :value="pageUrl">
<input name="count" id="newrow-count" type="number"
min=1 step=1 value=1 class="form-control mr-1" style="width: 8em">
<button class="btn btn-outline-success">Add Rows</button>
<a :href="loadCsvUrl" class="btn btn-outline-success mr-2" v-if="newRows && loadCsvUrl">
<v-icon class="fa-file-excel-o fa-pr" alt="CSV"></v-icon><!--
<form :action="route" method="POST" v-if="newRows" class="form-inline mr-2">
<input type="hidden" name="_token" :value="csrf">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="row.remove-empty-new">
<input type="hidden" name="redirect" :value="pageUrl">
<button class="btn btn-outline-danger">Remove Empty</button>
<button @click="saveAllChanges" type="button"
:class="['btn', this.dirtyRows ? 'btn-info' : 'btn-outline-secondary']">
Save Rows
<div class="col-md-12 mt-3">
<table :class="[
'table', 'table-sm', 'table-fixed', 'td-va-middle',
{'new-rows': newRows}
<th style="width:6rem"></th>
<th v-for="col in columns" :class="colClasses(col)" :title="">{{col.title}}</th>
<th style="width:2rem"><!-- revert icon --></th>
<tr v-for="row in rows" :class="row._remove ? 'remove' : ''">
<td class="text-nowrap">
<button :class="[
'mr-1', 'btn', 'btn-outline-danger',
{'active': row._remove}
<v-icon :class="row._remove ? 'fa-undo' : 'fa-trash-o'"
:alt="row._remove ? 'Undo Remove' : 'Remove'" />
--><button v-if="newRows"
'mr-1', 'btn',
isRowChanged(row) ? 'btn-info' : 'btn-outline-secondary'
<v-icon class="fa-save" alt="Save" />
--><button v-else
isRowChanged(row) ? 'btn-info' : 'btn-outline-secondary',
{'disabled': row._remove}
<v-icon v-if="row._editing" class="fa-save" alt="Save" />
<v-icon v-else class="fa-pencil" alt="Edit" />
<template v-if="row._editing || newRows">
<td v-for="col in columns" class="pr-0">
<input v-model="row[]" :class="['form-control', { 'is-invalid': row._errors && row._errors[] }]"
:title="(row._errors && row._errors[]) ? row._errors[][0] : null"
<template v-else>
<td v-for="col in columns">
<span class="text-danger strike" title="Original value" v-if="isChanged(row,">{{row._orig[]}}</span>
<span>{{ row[] }}</span>
<v-icon v-if="isChanged(row,"
class="fa-undo text-danger pointer"
alt="Revert Change" />
<td style="text-align: center;">
<v-icon @click="discardEdit(row)"
v-if="isRowChanged(row) && (row._editing || newRows)"
class="fa-undo text-danger pointer"
alt="Revert Change" />
<div class="col-md-12 d-flex" v-if="hasPages">
<div v-if="hasPages" v-html="pager"></div>
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "base";
th {
border-top: 0 none;
} td {
border: 0 none;
import { query } from './table-editor-utils'
export default {
props: {
/** True if pager should be enabled */
hasPages: Boolean,
/** Pager HTML */
pager: String,
/** Update route */
route: String,
/** Row objects */
xRows: Object, // key'd by _id
/** Array of columns */
columns: Array,
/** CSRF token */
csrf: String,
/** Full URL of the current page */
pageUrl: String,
/** URL to import CSV */
loadCsvUrl: String,
/** Indicate this is the Add Rows page */
newRows: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
data () {
return {
/** All rows */
rows: this.xRows,
/** Number of dirty rows */
dirtyRows: 0,
watch: {
dirtyRows: function (value) {
console.log(`Dirty Rows ${value}`)
if (value > 0) {
$(window).on('beforeunload', function () {
return 'Some row changes are not saved.'
} else {
methods: {
6 years ago
/** Send a query to the server */
query (data, sucfn, erfn) {
query(this.route, data, sucfn, erfn)
6 years ago
/** Toggle row delete status, remove new rows (when using the editor widget for added rows) */
toggleRowDelete (_id) {
let row = this.rows[_id]
if (!_.isDefined(row)) return
let remove = !row._remove
let wasDirty = this.isRowChanged(row)
action: remove ? 'row.remove' : 'row.restore',
id: _id
}, (resp) => {
if (wasDirty) this.dirtyRows--
// if response is null, this was a New row
// and it was discarded without a way back - hard drop
if (_.isEmpty( {
this.$delete(this.rows, _id)
else {
this.$set(this.rows, _id,
6 years ago
/** Save a change */
submitRowChange (row) {
let wasDirty = this.isRowChanged(row)
action: 'row.update',
data: row
}, (resp) => {
this.$set(this.rows, row._id,
if (wasDirty) this.dirtyRows--
}, (er) => {
if (!_.isUndefined(er.errors)) {
this.$set(this.rows[row._id], '_errors', er.errors)
6 years ago
/** Toggle editing state - edit or save */
toggleRowEditing (_id) {
if (this.rows[_id]._remove) return false // can't edit row marked for removal
let wasEditing = this.rows[_id]._editing
if (wasEditing || this.newRows) {
} else {
this.$set(this.rows[_id], '_editing', true)
6 years ago
/** Compute classes for a value cell */
colClasses (col) {
return {
'text-danger': col._remove,
'strike': col._remove,
'text-success': col._new
6 years ago
/** Test if a value cell is changed */
isChanged (row, colId) {
return row._changed && row._changed.indexOf(colId) > -1
/** Test if any field in the row is changed */
isRowChanged (row, cached = false) {
if (this.newRows) {
return row._changed && row._changed.length
} else {
if (cached) return row._dirty
// check against loadvals array
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(row._loadvals)) {
// changed if differs from orig value and also from previous value from revision
if (row[key] != value && row[key] != row._orig[key]) return true
return false
6 years ago
/** Revert a value cell */
revertCell (row, colId) {
this.submitRowChange(_.merge({}, row, {[colId]: row._orig[colId]}))
/** Mark row as dirty and needing a save */
markRowDirty (row) {
let wasDirty = this.isRowChanged(row, true)
let changes = []
_.each(row._orig, (v, k) => {
if (row[k] != v) {
this.rows[row._id]._changed = changes
let isDirty = this.isRowChanged(row)
if (wasDirty && !isDirty) this.dirtyRows--
else if (!wasDirty && isDirty) this.dirtyRows++
row._dirty = isDirty
/** Save all changed rows */
saveAllChanges () {
let toChange = _.filter(this.rows, (r) => {
return this.isRowChanged(r)
action: 'row.update-many',
data: toChange
}, (resp) => {
_.each(, (row) => {
this.$set(this.rows, row._id, row)
this.dirtyRows = 0
}, (er) => {
// if (!_.isUndefined(er.errors)) {
// this.$set(this.rows[row._id], '_errors', er.errors)
// }
discardEdit (row) {
let wasDirty = this.isRowChanged(row)
_.each(this.newRows ? row._orig : row._loadvals, (val, id) => {
row[id] = val
row._editing = false
row._dirty = false
if (this.newRows) row._changed = []
this.$set(this.rows, row._id, row)
if (wasDirty) this.dirtyRows--
6 years ago