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Complex animated column editor for the table edit page
6 years ago
<input type="hidden" :name="name" :value="JSON.stringify(columns)" v-if="!newTable">
<div :class="newTable ? ['col-md-12', 'mt-3'] : []">
<table :class="[
{'table': !newTable},
{'new-table': newTable},
{'mt-3': !newTable},
'table-narrow', 'table-sm', 'table-fixed', 'td-va-middle'
<th v-if="sortable"></th>
<th :style="tdWidthStyle('name')">Name</th>
<th :style="tdWidthStyle('type')">Type</th>
<th :style="tdWidthStyle('title')">Title</th>
<th style="width:2rem" v-if="!newTable"><!-- revert icon --></th>
6 years ago
<a href="" type="button" v-if="!newTable && orderChanged"
6 years ago
class="text-danger no-decoration">
Reset Order
<transition-group name="col-list" tag="tbody" ref="col-list">
<tr v-for="(col, i) in columns" :key="" :ref="`col${i}`"
dragging: col._dragging,
'text-success': col._new,
remove: col._remove
<td v-if="sortable">
<span class="btn-group">
<button type="button" class="btn btn-outline-secondary drag-btn"
@keyup.up="move(i, -1)"
@keyup.down="move(i, 1)"
:style="{visibility: (columns.length > 1) ? 'visible' : 'hidden'}"
@mousedown="beginDrag(i, $event)">
<v-icon class="fa-bars" alt="Drag" />
--><button type="button" :class="['btn', 'btn-outline-secondary', {disabled: i==0}]" v-if="manualSort"
@click.prevent="move(i, -1)">
<v-icon class="fa-chevron-up" alt="Move Up" />
--><button type="button" :class="['btn', 'btn-outline-secondary', {disabled: i == (columns.length-1)}]" v-if="manualSort"
@click.prevent="move(i, 1)">
<v-icon class="fa-chevron-down" alt="Move Down" />
6 years ago
<template v-if="col._editing || newTable">
<!-- Editable cells -->
<td :style="tdWidthStyle('name')">
<input v-model=""
<td :style="tdWidthStyle('type')">
<select v-model="col.type"
class="form-control custom-select">
<option v-for="t in colTypes" :value="t">{{t}}</option>
<td :style="tdWidthStyle('title')">
<input v-model="col.title"
<template v-else>
<!-- Value fields -->
<td v-for='cell in ["name", "type", "title"]'>
<span class="text-danger strike" title="Original value" v-if="isChanged(col, cell)">{{col._orig[cell]}}</span>
<span>{{ col[cell] }}</span>
<v-icon v-if="isChanged(col, cell)"
@click="revertCell(col, cell)"
class="fa-undo text-danger pointer"
alt="Revert Change" />
<td style="text-align: center;" v-if="!newTable">
<v-icon @click="discardEdit(col)"
v-if="col._editing && colNeedsSave(col)"
class="fa-undo text-danger pointer"
alt="Revert Change" />
6 years ago
<td class="text-nowrap"><!--
Save button
--><a href="" :class="[
'mr-1', 'btn',
col._editing && colNeedsSave(col) ? 'btn-info' : 'btn-outline-secondary',
{'disabled': col._remove}
6 years ago
<v-icon v-if="col._editing" class="fa-save" alt="Save" />
<v-icon v-else class="fa-pencil" alt="Edit" />
Delete button
--><button type="button" :class="delBtnClass(col)"
<v-icon v-if="col._remove" class="fa-undo" alt="Undo Remove" />
<v-icon v-else class="fa-trash-o" alt="Remove" />
Add button
--><button type="button" :class="['x-add-btn', 'btn', 'btn-outline-secondary']"
v-if="i === columns.length - 1"
<v-icon class="fa-plus" alt="Add Column" />
6 years ago
<style lang="scss" scoped>
@import "base";
@media screen and (min-width: 625px) { {
margin-left: -53px;
td, th {
@include pr(1);
6 years ago
@include py(1);
th {
border-top: 0 none;
tr.dragging {
position: relative;
z-index: 1;
//background-color: $body-bg;
tr.dragging .btn {
background-color: $body-bg; // no see-through buttons
tr.dragging .drag-btn {
// fake hover
background-color: $secondary;
color: color-yiq($secondary);
box-shadow: $btn-box-shadow, 0 0 0 $btn-focus-width rgba($secondary, .5);
.col-list-enter-active {
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.2, .3, 0, 1);
.col-list-enter {
opacity: 0;
transform: translateY(100%);
.col-list-leave {
// approximate position of delete button
clip-path: circle(calc(100% + 5em) at calc(100% - 4em) 50%);
.col-list-leave-active .delete-btn {
animation: col-list-leave-delete-btn .3s forwards;
.col-list-leave-active {
transition: all .3s cubic-bezier(.4, .1, .6, .9);
.col-list-leave-to {
clip-path: circle(0 at calc(100% - 4em) 50%);
@keyframes col-list-leave-delete-btn {
0% {
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.2, .4, .6, .9);
50% {
transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier(.5, 0, .8, .5);
transform: scale(1.1);
opacity: 1;
100% {
transform: scale(0);
opacity: 0;
.col-list-move {
transition: transform .3s cubic-bezier(.2, .3, 0, 1);
import { query } from './table-editor-utils'
export default {
props: {
route: { type: String, default: null },
sortable: { type: Boolean, default: true },
manualSort: { type: Boolean, default: false },
newTable: { type: Boolean, default: false },
name: { type: String, required: true },
xColumns: { type: Array, required: true },
orderChanged: { type: Boolean, default: false },
data () {
return {
newColNum: 0,
//orderChanged: this.orderChanged,
columns: this.xColumns,
colTypes: ['string', 'int', 'float', 'bool'],
debouncedSortUpdate: _.debounce(() => this.submitColOrder(), 350)
methods: {
6 years ago
/** Send a query to the server */
query (data, sucfn, erfn) {
query(this.route, data, sucfn, erfn)
submitColOrder() {
let ids = =>
this.query ({
action: 'col.sort',
order: ids,
}, (resp) => {
this.orderChanged =;
colPos(col) {
for (let n = 0; n < this.columns.length; n++) {
if (this.columns[n].id == return n;
throw `Col ${} not found in list`;
/** Save a change */
submitColChange (col) {
if (_.isUndefined(col)) return
let n = this.colPos(col)
action: 'col.update',
data: col
}, (resp) => {
this.$set(this.columns, n,
}, (er) => {
if (!_.isUndefined(er.errors)) {
this.$set(this.columns[n], '_errors', er.errors)
6 years ago
/** Add a column at the end */
addCol () {
if (this.newTable) {
id: '_' + (this.newColNum++),
name: '',
type: 'string',
title: '',
} else {
action: 'col.add',
}, (resp) => { = true;
/** Move a column (dir is positive or negative) */
6 years ago
move (pos1, dir) {
let pos2 = pos1 + dir
// clamp
if (pos2 < 0) {
pos2 = 0
} else if (pos2 >= this.columns.length) {
pos2 = this.columns.length - 1
6 years ago
let columns = this.columns
let col1 = columns.splice(pos1, 1)[0] // unwrap returned 1-element array
columns.splice(pos2, 0, col1)
this.columns = columns
// Put focus on the new field
// For some reason, it loses it when moving down
setTimeout(() => this.$refs[`col${pos2}-sort`][0].focus(), 0)
6 years ago
/** User started dragging a column */
beginDrag (i, evt) {
const column = this.columns[i]
column._dragging = true
this.$set(this.columns, i, column) // notify vue
let currentIndex = i
const dragMoveListener = e => {
let cursorIndex = 0
// find cursor index by going through the list and adding the li
// heights (can’t use their positions because they may be animating at
// that moment)
let accumY = this.$refs['col-list'].$el.getBoundingClientRect().top
for (let i = 0; i < this.columns.length; i++) {
if (e.clientY > accumY) {
cursorIndex = i
accumY += $(this.$refs['col' + i]).outerHeight(true)
if (cursorIndex !== currentIndex) {
this.move(currentIndex, cursorIndex - currentIndex)
currentIndex = cursorIndex
const dragEndListener = e => {
column._dragging = false
this.$set(this.columns, currentIndex, column) // notify vue
$(window).off('mousemove', dragMoveListener)
$(window).off('mouseup', dragEndListener)
$(window).on('mousemove', dragMoveListener)
$(window).on('mouseup', dragEndListener)
6 years ago
/** Compute classes for the column's delete button */
delBtnClass(col) {
return [
{'active': col._remove},
{disabled: this.newTable && this.columns.length === 1}
6 years ago
/** Delete / undelete a column; New columns vanish. */
toggleColDelete(col) {
if (_.isUndefined(col)) return
let n = this.colPos(col)
if (this.newTable) {
6 years ago
if (this.columns.length == 1) return // can't delete the last col
// hard delete
this.columns.splice(n, 1)
} else {
let remove = !col._remove
6 years ago
if (col._new) {
if (!confirm(`Delete new column "${col.title}"? Any row data for this column will be lost.`)) return;
action: remove ? 'col.remove' : 'col.restore',
}, (resp) => {
// if response is null, this was a New col
// and it was discarded without a way back - hard drop
if (_.isEmpty( {
this.$delete(this.columns, n)
else {
this.$set(this.columns, n,
/** Toggle editing state - edit or save */
toggleColEditing (col) {
if (col._remove) return false // can't edit col marked for removal
let editing = !col._editing
let n = this.colPos(col)
if (!editing) {
} else {
this.$set(this.columns[n], '_editing', true)
initColLoadvals(col) {
let n = this.colPos(col)
let origvals = {};
_.each(col, (v, k) => {
if (k[0] != '_') origvals[k] = v
this.$set(this.columns[n], '_loadvals', origvals)
/** Test if a value cell is changed */
isChanged (col, cell) {
return col._changed && col._changed.indexOf(cell) > -1
/** Revert a value cell */
revertCell (col, cell) {
this.submitColChange(_.merge({}, col, {[cell]: col._orig[cell]}))
/** compute styles for a field cell */
tdWidthStyle(cell) {
let w = 10;
if (cell == 'name') w = '14'
if (cell == 'type') w = '12'
if (cell == 'title') w = '14'
return {width: `${w}rem`};
6 years ago
resetOrder() {
action: 'reset.col-order'
6 years ago
}, (resp) => {
this.columns =
this.orderChanged = false
6 years ago
colNeedsSave(col) {
if (!col._loadvals) return false;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(col._loadvals)) {
// changed if differs from orig value and also from previous value from revision
if (col[key] != value) return true
return false
discardEdit(col) {
col._editing = false;
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(col._loadvals)) {
col[key] = value
6 years ago