image processor for a bird feeder camera
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6 months ago
use std::os::unix::fs::MetadataExt;
use std::path::PathBuf;
use chrono::{NaiveDateTime, Utc};
use image::{GenericImageView, Pixel};
use log::{debug, error, info};
fn main() {
const FOLDER_WITH_IMAGES : &str = "../2/";
const FOLDER_OUTPUT : &str = "birds";
const THUMB_W : usize = 12;
const THUMB_H : usize = 8;
const THRESHOLD_DEVIATION : u32 = 500;
fn open_and_reduce_img() {
info!("Bird finder starts");
let paths = std::fs::read_dir(FOLDER_WITH_IMAGES).unwrap();
let mut crops = vec![];
let mut thumbs = vec![];
let mut timestamps = vec![];
info!("Loading files");
for dir_entry in paths {
let Ok(dir_entry) = dir_entry else { continue; };
let Ok(meta) = dir_entry.metadata() else { continue; };
if !meta.is_file() {
debug!("{}", dir_entry.path().display());
let img = image::open(dir_entry.path()).unwrap();
let crop = img.crop_imm(1872, 1329, 1000, 750);
let thumb = crop.thumbnail(THUMB_W as u32, THUMB_H as u32);
let mut thumb_ar = [0u8; THUMB_H * THUMB_W];
for y in 0..thumb.height() {
for x in 0..thumb.width() {
thumb_ar[(y * thumb.width() + x) as usize] = thumb.get_pixel(x, y).to_luma().0[0];
info!("Computing digests & medians");
let mut transposed = vec![];
for thumb in thumbs.iter() {
for (b, item) in thumb.iter().enumerate() {
if transposed.len() <= b {
let mut medians = [0; THUMB_H * THUMB_W];
for (a, column) in transposed.iter().enumerate() {
medians[a] = column[column.len() / 2]; // approximately median ...
debug!("Medians: {:?}", medians);
info!("Finding deviations");
for (thumb_num, thumb) in thumbs.iter().enumerate() {
let deviation = thumb.iter().zip(medians.iter())
.map(|(a, b)| (*a as i16 - *b as i16).abs() as u32).fold(0u32, |a, b| a + b);
debug!("Thumb {thumb_num} summary diff from median is: {deviation}");
if deviation > THRESHOLD_DEVIATION {
info!("LIKELY BIRD!!!! in picture #{thumb_num}");
let datetime = parse_unix_ts(timestamps[thumb_num]).format("%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S");
let path = format!("{}/{}.jpg", FOLDER_OUTPUT, datetime);
let mut pb = PathBuf::from(path);
let mut cnt = 2;
while pb.exists() {
pb.set_file_name(format!("{}-{cnt}.jpg", datetime));
cnt += 1;
if let Err(e) = crops[thumb_num].save(pb) {
error!("Fail to save pic: {e}");
//!("{}/{}", FOLDER_OUTPUT, dir_entry.file_name().to_string_lossy())).unwrap();
//!("{}/th-{}", FOLDER_OUTPUT, dir_entry.file_name().to_string_lossy())).unwrap();
fn parse_unix_ts(ts: i64) -> chrono::DateTime<Utc> {
chrono::DateTime::<Utc>::from_naive_utc_and_offset(NaiveDateTime::from_timestamp_opt(ts, 0)
.expect("Bad timestamp"), Utc)