My fork of airsonic with experimental fixes and improvements. See branch "custom"
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

230 lines
6.1 KiB

* jQuery FancyZoom Plugin
* version: 1.0.1 (20-APR-2014)
* @requires jQuery v1.6.2 or later
* Examples and documentation at:
* Licensed under the MIT license:
(function ($) {
"use strict";
$.extend(jQuery.easing, {
easeInOutCubic: function (x, t, b, c, d) {
if ((t/=d/2) < 1) return c/2*t*t*t + b;
return c/2*((t-=2)*t*t + 2) + b;
$.fn.fancyZoom = function(settings) {
var options = $.extend({
minBorder: 90
}, settings);
var fz = new FancyZoom(options);
this.each(function(e) {
var $this = $(this);
function elementGeometry(elemFind) {
var $elemFind = $(elemFind);
if ($elemFind.children().length > 0) {
$elemFind = $elemFind.children(":first");
var elemX = $elemFind.offset().left;
var elemY = $elemFind.offset().top;
var elemW = $elemFind.width() || 50;
var elemH = $elemFind.height() || 12;
return { left: elemX, top: elemY, width: elemW, height: elemH };
function windowGeometry() {
var $window = $(window);
var w = $window.width();
var h = $window.height();
var x = $window.scrollLeft();
var y = $window.scrollTop();
return { width: w, height: h, scrollX: x, scrollY: y };
function FancyZoom(opts) {
var options = opts;
var zooming = false;
var preloading = false;
var pImage = new Image();
var pTimer = 0;
var pFrame = 0;
var eGeometry, wGeometry;
var $zoom, $zoom_img, $zoom_close, $zoom_spin;
var self = this;
$zoom = $("#zoom");
if ($zoom.length === 0) {
$zoom = $(document.createElement("div"));
$zoom.attr("id", "zoom");
$zoom_img = $("#zoom_img");
if ($zoom_img.length === 0) {
$zoom_img = $(document.createElement("img"));
$zoom_img.attr("id", "zoom_img");
$zoom_close = $("#zoom_close");
if ($zoom_close.length === 0) {
$zoom_close = $(document.createElement("div"));
$zoom_close.attr("id", "zoom_close");
$zoom_spin = $("#zoom_spin");
if ($zoom_spin.length === 0) {
$zoom_spin = $(document.createElement("div"));
$zoom_spin.attr("id", "zoom_spin");
this.preload = function(e) {
var href = this.getAttribute("href");
if (pImage.src !== href) {
preloading = true;
pImage = new Image();
$(pImage).on('load', function() {
preloading = false;
pImage.src = href;
}; = function(e) {
wGeometry = windowGeometry();
eGeometry = elementGeometry(this);, e);
if (preloading) {
if (pTimer === 0) {
else {
function runSpinner(from) {
if (preloading) {
$zoom_spin.css("backgroundPosition", "0px " + (pFrame * -50) + "px");
pFrame = (pFrame + 1) % 12;
else {
pTimer = 0;
pFrame = 0;
function startSpinner(from) {
left: ((wGeometry.width / 2) + wGeometry.scrollX) + "px",
top: ((wGeometry.height / 2) + wGeometry.scrollY) + "px",
backgroundPosition: "0px 0px",
display: "block"
pFrame = 0;
pTimer = setInterval(function() {
}, 100);
function zoomIn(from) {
if (zooming) return false;
zooming = true;
$zoom_img.attr("src", from.getAttribute("href"));
var endW = pImage.width;
var endH = pImage.height;
var sizeRatio = endW / endH;
if (endW > wGeometry.width - options.minBorder) {
endW = wGeometry.width - options.minBorder;
endH = endW / sizeRatio;
if (endH > wGeometry.height - options.minBorder) {
endH = wGeometry.height - options.minBorder;
endW = endH * sizeRatio;
var endTop = (wGeometry.height/2) - (endH/2) + wGeometry.scrollY;
var endLeft = (wGeometry.width/2) - (endW/2) + wGeometry.scrollX;
left : eGeometry.left + "px",
top : + "px",
width : eGeometry.width + "px",
height : eGeometry.height + "px",
opacity : "hide"
left : endLeft + 'px',
top : endTop + 'px',
width : endW + "px",
height : endH + "px",
opacity : "show"
}, 200, "easeInOutCubic", function() {
zooming = false;
function zoomOut() {
if (zooming) return false;
zooming = true;
left : eGeometry.left + "px",
top : + "px",
opacity : "hide",
width : eGeometry.width + "px",
height : eGeometry.height + "px"
}, 200, "easeInOutCubic", function() {
zooming = false;
$zoom.unbind('click', zoomOut);
$zoom_close.unbind('click', zoomOut);
$(document).unbind('keyup', closeOnEscape);
function closeOnEscape(event){
if (event.keyCode == 27) {