My fork of airsonic with experimental fixes and improvements. See branch "custom"
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1044 lines
43 KiB

<!DOCTYPE html>
<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="iso-8859-1"%>
<%@ include file="head.jsp" %>
<%@ include file="jquery.jsp" %>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/script/utils.js'/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/dwr/interface/nowPlayingService.js'/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/dwr/interface/playQueueService.js'/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/dwr/interface/playlistService.js'/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/dwr/engine.js'/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/dwr/util.js'/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/script/mediaelement/mediaelement-and-player.min.js'/>"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="<c:url value='/script/playQueueCast.js'/>"></script>
<style type="text/css">
.ui-slider .ui-slider-handle {
width: 11px;
height: 11px;
cursor: pointer;
.ui-slider a {
.ui-slider {
cursor: pointer;
<body class="bgcolor2 playlistframe" onload="init()">
<span id="dummy-animation-target" style="max-width: ${model.autoHide ? 50 : 150}px; display: none"></span>
<script type="text/javascript" language="javascript">
// These variables store the media player state, received from DWR in the
// playQueueCallback function below.
// List of songs (of type PlayQueueInfo.Entry)
var songs = null;
// Stream URL of the media being played
var currentStreamUrl = null;
// Is autorepeat enabled?
var repeatEnabled = false;
// Is the "shuffle radio" playing? (More > Shuffle Radio)
var shuffleRadioEnabled = false;
// Is the "internet radio" playing?
var internetRadioEnabled = false;
// Is the play queue visible? (Initially hidden if set to "auto-hide" in the settings)
var isVisible = ${model.autoHide ? 'false' : 'true'};
// Initialize the Cast player (ChromeCast support)
var CastPlayer = new CastPlayer();
function init() {
<c:if test="${model.autoHide}">initAutoHide();</c:if>
$("#dialog-select-playlist").dialog({resizable: true, height: 220, autoOpen: false,
buttons: {
"<fmt:message key="common.cancel"/>": function() {
<c:if test="${model.player.web}">createMediaElementPlayer();</c:if>
stop: function(event, ui) {
var indexes = [];
$("#playlistBody").children().each(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id").replace("pattern", "");
if (id.length > 0) {
indexes.push(parseInt(id) - 1);
cursor: "move",
axis: "y",
containment: "parent",
helper: function(e, tr) {
var originals = tr.children();
var trclone = tr.clone();
trclone.children().each(function(index) {
// Set cloned cell sizes to match the original sizes
$(this).css("maxWidth", originals.eq(index).width());
$(this).css("border-top", "1px solid black");
$(this).css("border-bottom", "1px solid black");
return trclone;
/** Toggle between <a> and <span> in order to disable play queue action buttons */
$.fn.toggleLink = function(newState) {
$(this).each(function(ix, elt) {
var node, currentState;
if (elt.tagName.toLowerCase() === "a") currentState = true;
else if (elt.tagName.toLowerCase() === "span") currentState = false;
else return true;
if (typeof newState === 'undefined') newState = !currentState;
if (newState === currentState) return true;
if (newState) node = document.createElement("a");
else node = document.createElement("span");
node.innerHTML = elt.innerHTML;
if (elt.hasAttribute("id")) node.setAttribute("id", elt.getAttribute("id"));
if (elt.hasAttribute("style")) node.setAttribute("style", elt.getAttribute("style"));
if (elt.hasAttribute("class")) node.setAttribute("class", elt.getAttribute("class"));
if (newState) {
if (elt.hasAttribute("data-href")) node.setAttribute("href", elt.getAttribute("data-href"));
} else {
if (elt.hasAttribute("href")) node.setAttribute("data-href", elt.getAttribute("href"));
node.setAttribute("aria-disabled", "true");
elt.parentNode.replaceChild(node, elt);
return true;
function onHidePlayQueue() {
isVisible = false;
function onShowPlayQueue() {
var height = $("body").height() + 25;
height = Math.min(height, * 0.8);
isVisible = true;
function onTogglePlayQueue() {
if (isVisible) onHidePlayQueue();
else onShowPlayQueue();
function initAutoHide() {
$(window).mouseleave(function (event) {
if (event.clientY < 30) onHidePlayQueue();
$(window).mouseenter(function () {
function setFrameHeight(height) {
<%-- Disable animation in Chrome. It stopped working in Chrome 44. --%>
var duration = navigator.userAgent.indexOf("Chrome") != -1 ? 0 : 400;
$("#dummy-animation-target").animate({"max-width": height}, {
step: function (now, fx) {
top.document.getElementById("playQueueFrameset").rows = "*," + now;
duration: duration
function startTimer() {
<!-- Periodically check if the current song has changed. -->
setTimeout("startTimer()", 10000);
function nowPlayingCallback(nowPlayingInfo) {
if (nowPlayingInfo != null && nowPlayingInfo.streamUrl != currentStreamUrl) {
<c:if test="${not model.player.web}">
currentStreamUrl = nowPlayingInfo.streamUrl;
function onEnded() {
function createMediaElementPlayer() {
// Manually run MediaElement.js initialization.
// Warning: Bugs will happen if MediaElement.js is not initialized when
// we modify the media elements (e.g. adding event handlers). Running
// MediaElement.js's automatic initialization does not guarantee that
// (it depends on when we call createMediaElementPlayer at load time).
// Once playback reaches the end, go to the next song, if any.
$('#audioPlayer').on("ended", onEnded);
function getPlayQueue() {
function onClear() {
var ok = true;
<c:if test="${model.partyMode}">
ok = confirm("<fmt:message key="playlist.confirmclear"/>");
if (ok) {
* Start/resume playing from the current playlist
function onStart() {
if (CastPlayer.castSession) {
} else if ($('#audioPlayer').get(0)) {
if ($('#audioPlayer').get(0).src) {
$('#audioPlayer').get(0).play(); // Resume playing if the player was paused
else {
skip(0); // Start the first track if the player was not yet loaded
} else {
* Pause playing
function onStop() {
if (CastPlayer.castSession) {
} else if ($('#audioPlayer').get(0)) {
} else {
* Toggle play/pause
* FIXME: Only works for the Web player for now
function onToggleStartStop() {
if (CastPlayer.castSession) {
var playing = CastPlayer.mediaSession && CastPlayer.mediaSession.playerState ==;
if (playing) onStop();
else onStart();
} else if ($('#audioPlayer').get(0)) {
var playing = $("#audioPlayer").get(0).paused != null && !$("#audioPlayer").get(0).paused;
if (playing) onStop();
else onStart();
} else {
function onGain(gain) {
function onJukeboxVolumeChanged() {
var value = parseInt($("#jukeboxVolume").slider("option", "value"));
onGain(value / 100);
function onCastVolumeChanged() {
var value = parseInt($("#castVolume").slider("option", "value"));
CastPlayer.setCastVolume(value / 100, false);
* Increase or decrease volume by a certain amount
* @param gain amount to add or remove from the current volume
function onGainAdd(gain) {
if (CastPlayer.castSession) {
var volume = parseInt($("#castVolume").slider("option", "value")) + gain;
if (volume > 100) volume = 100;
if (volume < 0) volume = 0;
CastPlayer.setCastVolume(volume / 100, false);
$("#castVolume").slider("option", "value", volume); // Need to update UI
} else if ($('#audioPlayer').get(0)) {
var volume = parseFloat($('#audioPlayer').get(0).volume)*100 + gain;
if (volume > 100) volume = 100;
if (volume < 0) volume = 0;
$('#audioPlayer').get(0).volume = volume / 100;
} else {
var volume = parseInt($("#jukeboxVolume").slider("option", "value")) + gain;
if (volume > 100) volume = 100;
if (volume < 0) volume = 0;
onGain(volume / 100);
$("#jukeboxVolume").slider("option", "value", volume); // Need to update UI
function onSkip(index) {
<c:when test="${model.player.web}">
currentStreamUrl = songs[index].streamUrl;
if (isJavaJukeboxPresent()) {
playQueueService.skip(index, playQueueCallback);
function onNext(wrap) {
var index = parseInt(getCurrentSongIndex()) + 1;
if (shuffleRadioEnabled && index >= songs.length) {
playQueueService.reloadSearchCriteria(function(playQueue) {
} else if (wrap) {
index = index % songs.length;
function onPrevious() {
onSkip(parseInt(getCurrentSongIndex()) - 1);
function onPlay(id) {, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayShuffle(albumListType, offset, size, genre, decade) {
playQueueService.playShuffle(albumListType, offset, size, genre, decade, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayPlaylist(id, index) {
playQueueService.playPlaylist(id, index, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayInternetRadio(id, index) {
playQueueService.playInternetRadio(id, index, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayTopSong(id, index) {
playQueueService.playTopSong(id, index, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayPodcastChannel(id) {
playQueueService.playPodcastChannel(id, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayPodcastEpisode(id) {
playQueueService.playPodcastEpisode(id, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayNewestPodcastEpisode(index) {
playQueueService.playNewestPodcastEpisode(index, playQueueCallback);
function onPlayStarred() {
function onPlayRandom(id, count) {
playQueueService.playRandom(id, count, playQueueCallback);
function onPlaySimilar(id, count) {
playQueueService.playSimilar(id, count, playQueueCallback);
function onAdd(id) {
playQueueService.add(id, playQueueCallback);
function onAddNext(id) {
playQueueService.addAt(id, getCurrentSongIndex() + 1, playQueueCallback);
function onAddPlaylist(id, index) {
playQueueService.addPlaylist(id, index, playQueueCallback);
function onShuffle() {
function onStar(index) {
playQueueService.toggleStar(index, playQueueCallback);
function onStarCurrent() {
function onRemove(index) {
playQueueService.remove(index, playQueueCallback);
function onRemoveSelected() {
var indexes = new Array();
var counter = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
var index = i + 1;
if ($("#songIndex" + index).is(":checked")) {
indexes[counter++] = i;
playQueueService.removeMany(indexes, playQueueCallback);
function onRearrange(indexes) {
playQueueService.rearrange(indexes, playQueueCallback);
function onToggleRepeat() {
function onUndo() {
function onSortByTrack() {
function onSortByArtist() {
function onSortByAlbum() {
function onSavePlayQueue() {
var positionMillis = $('#audioPlayer').get(0) ? Math.round(1000.0 * $('#audioPlayer').get(0).currentTime) : 0;
playQueueService.savePlayQueue(getCurrentSongIndex(), positionMillis);
$().toastmessage("showSuccessToast", "<fmt:message key="playlist.toast.saveplayqueue"/>");
function onLoadPlayQueue() {
function onSavePlaylist() {
playlistService.createPlaylistForPlayQueue(function (playlistId) {
top.main.location.href = "playlist.view?id=" + playlistId;
$().toastmessage("showSuccessToast", "<fmt:message key="playlist.toast.saveasplaylist"/>");
function onAppendPlaylist() {
function playlistCallback(playlists) {
for (var i = 0; i < playlists.length; i++) {
var playlist = playlists[i];
$("<p class='dense'><b><a href='#' onclick='appendPlaylist(" + + ")'>" + escapeHtml(
+ "</a></b></p>").appendTo("#dialog-select-playlist-list");
function appendPlaylist(playlistId) {
var mediaFileIds = new Array();
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
if ($("#songIndex" + (i + 1)).is(":checked")) {
playlistService.appendToPlaylist(playlistId, mediaFileIds, function (){
top.main.location.href = "playlist.view?id=" + playlistId;
$().toastmessage("showSuccessToast", "<fmt:message key="playlist.toast.appendtoplaylist"/>");
function isJavaJukeboxPresent() {
return $("#javaJukeboxPlayerControlBarContainer").length==1;
function playQueueCallback(playQueue) {
songs = playQueue.entries;
repeatEnabled = playQueue.repeatEnabled;
shuffleRadioEnabled = playQueue.shuffleRadioEnabled;
internetRadioEnabled = playQueue.internetRadioEnabled;
// If an internet radio has no sources, display a message to the user.
if (internetRadioEnabled && songs.length == 0) {
top.main.$().toastmessage("showErrorToast", "<fmt:message key="playlist.toast.radioerror"/>");
if ($("#start")) {
if ($("#toggleRepeat")) {
if (shuffleRadioEnabled) {
$("#toggleRepeat").html("<fmt:message key="playlist.repeat_radio"/>");
} else if (repeatEnabled) {
$("#toggleRepeat").attr('src', '<spring:theme code="repeatOn"/>');
$("#toggleRepeat").attr('alt', 'Repeat On');
} else {
$("#toggleRepeat").attr('src', '<spring:theme code="repeatOff"/>');
$("#toggleRepeat").attr('alt', 'Repeat Off');
// Disable some UI items if internet radio is playing
$("select#moreActions #loadPlayQueue").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #savePlayQueue").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #savePlaylist").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #downloadPlaylist").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #sharePlaylist").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #sortByTrack").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #sortByAlbum").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #sortByArtist").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #selectAll").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #selectNone").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #removeSelected").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #download").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
$("select#moreActions #appendPlaylist").prop("disabled", internetRadioEnabled);
if (songs.length == 0) {
} else {
$("#songCountAndDuration").html(songs.length + " <fmt:message key="playlist2.songs"/> &ndash; " + playQueue.durationAsString);
// Delete all the rows except for the "pattern" row
dwr.util.removeAllRows("playlistBody", { filter:function(tr) {
return ( != "pattern");
// Create a new set cloned from the pattern row
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
var song = songs[i];
var id = i + 1;
dwr.util.cloneNode("pattern", { idSuffix:id });
if ($("#trackNumber" + id)) {
$("#trackNumber" + id).text(song.trackNumber);
if (!internetRadioEnabled) {
// Show star/remove buttons in all cases...
$("#starSong" + id).show();
$("#removeSong" + id).show();
$("#songIndex" + id).show();
// Show star rating
if (song.starred) {
$("#starSong" + id).attr("src", "<spring:theme code='ratingOnImage'/>");
} else {
$("#starSong" + id).attr("src", "<spring:theme code='ratingOffImage'/>");
} else {
// ...except from when internet radio is playing.
$("#starSong" + id).hide();
$("#removeSong" + id).hide();
$("#songIndex" + id).hide();
if ($("#currentImage" + id) && song.streamUrl == currentStreamUrl) {
$("#currentImage" + id).show();
if (isJavaJukeboxPresent()) {
if ($("#title" + id)) {
$("#title" + id).text(song.title);
$("#title" + id).attr("title", song.title);
if ($("#titleUrl" + id)) {
$("#titleUrl" + id).text(song.title);
$("#titleUrl" + id).attr("title", song.title);
$("#titleUrl" + id).click(function () {onSkip( - 1)});
if ($("#album" + id)) {
$("#album" + id).text(song.album);
$("#album" + id).attr("title", song.album);
$("#albumUrl" + id).attr("href", song.albumUrl);
// Open external internet radio links in new windows
if (internetRadioEnabled) {
$("#albumUrl" + id).attr({
target: "_blank",
rel: "noopener noreferrer",
if ($("#artist" + id)) {
$("#artist" + id).text(song.artist);
$("#artist" + id).attr("title", song.artist);
if ($("#genre" + id)) {
$("#genre" + id).text(song.genre);
if ($("#year" + id)) {
// If song.year is not an int, this will return NaN, which
// conveniently returns false in all boolean operations.
if (parseInt(song.year) > 0) {
$("#year" + id).text(song.year);
} else {
$("#year" + id).text("");
if ($("#bitRate" + id)) {
$("#bitRate" + id).text(song.bitRate);
if ($("#duration" + id)) {
$("#duration" + id).text(song.durationAsString);
if ($("#format" + id)) {
$("#format" + id).text(song.format);
if ($("#fileSize" + id)) {
$("#fileSize" + id).text(song.fileSize);
$("#pattern" + id).addClass((i % 2 == 0) ? "bgcolor1" : "bgcolor2");
// Note: show() method causes page to scroll to top.
$("#pattern" + id).css("display", "table-row");
if (playQueue.sendM3U) {
var jukeboxVolume = $("#jukeboxVolume");
if (jukeboxVolume) {
jukeboxVolume.slider("option", "value", Math.floor(playQueue.gain * 100));
<c:if test="${model.player.web}">
triggerPlayer(playQueue.startPlayerAt, playQueue.startPlayerAtPosition);
function triggerPlayer(index, positionMillis) {
if (index != -1) {
if (songs.length > index) {
if (positionMillis != 0) {
$('#audioPlayer').get(0).currentTime = positionMillis / 1000;
if (songs.length == 0) {
function loadMediaElementPlayer(song, position) {
var player = $('#audioPlayer').get(0);
// Is this a new song?
if (player.src != song.streamUrl) {
// Stop the current playing song and change the media source.
player.src = song.streamUrl;
// Inform MEJS that we need to load a new media source. The
// 'canplay' event will be fired once playback is possible.
// The 'skip' function takes a 'position' argument. We don't
// usually send it, and in this case it's better to do nothing.
// Otherwise, the 'canplay' event will also be fired after
// setting 'currentTime'.
if (position && position > 0) {
player.currentTime = position;
// Are we seeking on an already-playing song?
} else {
// Seeking also starts playing. The 'canplay' event will be
// fired after setting 'currentTime'.
player.currentTime = position || 0;
// Start playback immediately.;
function skip(index, position) {
if (index < 0 || index >= songs.length) {
var song = songs[index];
currentStreamUrl = song.streamUrl;
// Handle ChromeCast player.
if (CastPlayer.castSession) {
CastPlayer.loadCastMedia(song, position);
// Handle MediaElement (HTML5) player.
} else {
loadMediaElementPlayer(song, position);
<c:if test="${model.notify}">
function updateWindowTitle(song) {
top.document.title = song.title + " - " + song.artist + " - Airsonic";
function showNotification(song) {
if (!("Notification" in window)) {
if (Notification.permission === "granted") {
else if (Notification.permission !== 'denied') {
Notification.requestPermission(function (permission) {
Notification.permission = permission;
if (permission === "granted") {
function createNotification(song) {
var n = new Notification(song.title, {
tag: "airsonic",
body: song.artist + " - " + song.album,
icon: "coverArt.view?id=" + + "&size=110"
n.onshow = function() {
setTimeout(function() {n.close()}, 5000);
function updateCurrentImage() {
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
var song = songs[i];
var id = i + 1;
var image = $("#currentImage" + id);
if (image) {
if (song.streamUrl == currentStreamUrl) {;
} else {
function getCurrentSongIndex() {
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
if (songs[i].streamUrl == currentStreamUrl) {
return i;
return -1;
<!-- actionSelected() is invoked when the users selects from the "More actions..." combo box. -->
function actionSelected(id) {
var selectedIndexes = getSelectedIndexes();
if (id == "top") {
} else if (id == "savePlayQueue") {
} else if (id == "loadPlayQueue") {
} else if (id == "savePlaylist") {
} else if (id == "downloadPlaylist") {
location.href = "download.view?player=${}";
} else if (id == "sharePlaylist") {
parent.frames.main.location.href = "createShare.view?player=${}&" + getSelectedIndexes();
} else if (id == "sortByTrack") {
} else if (id == "sortByArtist") {
} else if (id == "sortByAlbum") {
} else if (id == "selectAll") {
} else if (id == "selectNone") {
} else if (id == "removeSelected") {
} else if (id == "download" && selectedIndexes != "") {
location.href = "download.view?player=${}&" + selectedIndexes;
} else if (id == "appendPlaylist" && selectedIndexes != "") {
$("#moreActions").prop("selectedIndex", 0);
function getSelectedIndexes() {
var result = "";
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
if ($("#songIndex" + (i + 1)).is(":checked")) {
result += "i=" + i + "&";
return result;
function selectAll(b) {
for (var i = 0; i < songs.length; i++) {
if (b) {
$("#songIndex" + (i + 1)).attr("checked", "checked");
} else {
$("#songIndex" + (i + 1)).removeAttr("checked");
<c:when test="${model.player.javaJukebox}">
<div id="javaJukeboxPlayerControlBarContainer">
<%@ include file="javaJukeboxPlayerControlBar.jspf" %>
<div class="bgcolor2" style="position:fixed; bottom:0; width:100%;padding-top:10px;">
<table style="white-space:nowrap; margin-bottom:0;">
<tr style="white-space:nowrap;">
<c:if test="${model.user.settingsRole and fn:length(model.players) gt 1}">
<td style="padding-right: 5px"><select name="player" onchange="location='playQueue.view?player=' + options[selectedIndex].value;">
<c:forEach items="${model.players}" var="player">
<option ${ eq ? "selected" : ""} value="${}">${player.shortDescription}</option>
<c:if test="${model.player.web}">
<div id="player" style="width:340px; height:40px">
<audio id="audioPlayer" data-mejsoptions='{"alwaysShowControls": true, "enableKeyboard": false}' width="340px" height="40px" tabindex="-1" />
<div id="castPlayer" style="display: none">
<div style="float:left">
<img alt="Play" id="castPlay" src="<spring:theme code='castPlayImage'/>" onclick="CastPlayer.playCast()" style="cursor:pointer">
<img alt="Pause" id="castPause" src="<spring:theme code='castPauseImage'/>" onclick="CastPlayer.pauseCast()" style="cursor:pointer; display:none">
<img alt="Mute on" id="castMuteOn" src="<spring:theme code='volumeImage'/>" onclick="CastPlayer.castMuteOn()" style="cursor:pointer">
<img alt="Mute off" id="castMuteOff" src="<spring:theme code='muteImage'/>" onclick="CastPlayer.castMuteOff()" style="cursor:pointer; display:none">
<div style="float:left">
<div id="castVolume" style="width:80px;height:4px;margin-left:10px;margin-right:10px;margin-top:8px"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#castVolume").slider({max: 100, value: 50, animate: "fast", range: "min"});
$("#castVolume").on("slidestop", onCastVolumeChanged);
<img alt="Cast on" id="castOn" src="<spring:theme code='castIdleImage'/>" onclick="CastPlayer.launchCastApp()" style="cursor:pointer; display:none">
<img alt="Cast off" id="castOff" src="<spring:theme code='castActiveImage'/>" onclick="CastPlayer.stopCastApp()" style="cursor:pointer; display:none">
<c:if test="${model.user.streamRole and not model.player.web}">
<img alt="Start" id="start" src="<spring:theme code='castPlayImage'/>" onclick="onStart()" style="cursor:pointer">
<img alt="Stop" id="stop" src="<spring:theme code='castPauseImage'/>" onclick="onStop()" style="cursor:pointer; display:none">
<c:if test="${model.player.jukebox}">
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<img src="<spring:theme code='volumeImage'/>" alt="">
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<div id="jukeboxVolume" style="width:80px;height:4px"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#jukeboxVolume").slider({max: 100, value: 50, animate: "fast", range: "min"});
$("#jukeboxVolume").on("slidestop", onJukeboxVolumeChanged);
<c:if test="${model.player.web}">
<td><span class="header">
<img src="<spring:theme code='backImage'/>" alt="Play next" title="Play next" onclick="onPrevious()" style="cursor:pointer"></span>
<td><span class="header">
<img src="<spring:theme code='forwardImage'/>" alt="Play next" title="Play next" onclick="onNext(false)" style="cursor:pointer"></span> |
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<span class="header">
<a href="javascript:onClear()" class="player-control">
<img src="<spring:theme code='clearImage'/>" alt="Clear playlist" title="Clear playlist" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px">
</span> |</td>
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<span class="header">
<a href="javascript:onShuffle()" id="shuffleQueue" class="player-control">
<img src="<spring:theme code='shuffleImage'/>" alt="Shuffle" title="Shuffle" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px">
</span> |</td>
<c:if test="${model.player.web or model.player.jukebox or model.player.external}">
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<span class="header">
<a href="javascript:onToggleRepeat()" id="repeatQueue" class="player-control">
<img id="toggleRepeat" src="<spring:theme code='repeatOn'/>" alt="Toggle repeat" title="Toggle repeat" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px">
</span> |</td>
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<span class="header">
<a href="javascript:onUndo()" id="undoQueue" class="player-control">
<img src="<spring:theme code='undoImage'/>" alt="Undo" title="Undo" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px">
</span> |</td>
<c:if test="${model.user.settingsRole}">
<td style="white-space:nowrap;">
<span class="header">
<a href="playerSettings.view?id=${}" target="main" class="player-control">
<img src="<spring:theme code='settingsImage'/>" alt="Settings" title="Settings" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px">
</span> |</td>
<td style="white-space:nowrap;"><select id="moreActions" onchange="actionSelected(this.options[selectedIndex].id)">
<option id="top" selected="selected"><fmt:message key="playlist.more"/></option>
<optgroup label="<fmt:message key='playlist.more.playlist'/>">
<option id="savePlayQueue"><fmt:message key="playlist.saveplayqueue"/></option>
<option id="loadPlayQueue"><fmt:message key="playlist.loadplayqueue"/></option>
<option id="savePlaylist"><fmt:message key=""/></option>
<c:if test="${model.user.downloadRole}">
<option id="downloadPlaylist"><fmt:message key=""/></option>
<c:if test="${model.user.shareRole}">
<option id="sharePlaylist"><fmt:message key="main.more.share"/></option>
<option id="sortByTrack"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.sortbytrack"/></option>
<option id="sortByAlbum"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.sortbyalbum"/></option>
<option id="sortByArtist"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.sortbyartist"/></option>
<optgroup label="<fmt:message key='playlist.more.selection'/>">
<option id="selectAll"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.selectall"/></option>
<option id="selectNone"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.selectnone"/></option>
<option id="removeSelected"><fmt:message key="playlist.remove"/></option>
<c:if test="${model.user.downloadRole}">
<option id="download"><fmt:message key=""/></option>
<option id="appendPlaylist"><fmt:message key="playlist.append"/></option>
<h2 style="float:left"><fmt:message key="playlist.more.playlist"/></h2>
<h2 id="songCountAndDuration" style="float:right;padding-right:1em"></h2>
<div style="clear:both"></div>
<p id="empty"><em><fmt:message key="playlist.empty"/></em></p>
<table class="music indent" style="cursor:pointer">
<tbody id="playlistBody">
<tr id="pattern" style="display:none;margin:0;padding:0;border:0">
<td class="fit">
<img id="starSong" onclick="onStar( - 1)" src="<spring:theme code='ratingOffImage'/>"
style="cursor:pointer;height:18px;" alt="" title=""></td>
<td class="fit">
<img id="removeSong" onclick="onRemove( - 1)" src="<spring:theme code='removeImage'/>"
style="cursor:pointer; height:18px;" alt="<fmt:message key='playlist.remove'/>" title="<fmt:message key='playlist.remove'/>"></td>
<td class="fit"><input type="checkbox" class="checkbox" id="songIndex"></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.trackNumberVisible}">
<td class="fit rightalign"><span class="detail" id="trackNumber">1</span></td>
<td class="truncate">
<img id="currentImage" src="<spring:theme code='currentImage'/>" alt="" style="display:none;padding-right: 0.5em">
<c:when test="${model.player.externalWithPlaylist}">
<span id="title" class="songTitle">Title</span>
<span class="songTitle"><a id="titleUrl" href="javascript:void(0)">Title</a></span>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.albumVisible}">
<td class="truncate"><a id="albumUrl" target="main"><span id="album" class="detail">Album</span></a></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.artistVisible}">
<td class="truncate"><span id="artist" class="detail">Artist</span></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.genreVisible}">
<td class="truncate"><span id="genre" class="detail">Genre</span></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.yearVisible}">
<td class="fit rightalign"><span id="year" class="detail">Year</span></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.formatVisible}">
<td class="fit rightalign"><span id="format" class="detail">Format</span></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.fileSizeVisible}">
<td class="fit rightalign"><span id="fileSize" class="detail">Format</span></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.durationVisible}">
<td class="fit rightalign"><span id="duration" class="detail">Duration</span></td>
<c:if test="${model.visibility.bitRateVisible}">
<td class="fit rightalign"><span id="bitRate" class="detail">Bit Rate</span></td>
<div style="height:3.2em"></div>
<div id="dialog-select-playlist" title="<fmt:message key='main.addtoplaylist.title'/>" style="display: none;">
<p><fmt:message key="main.addtoplaylist.text"/></p>
<div id="dialog-select-playlist-list"></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
window['__onGCastApiAvailable'] = function(isAvailable) {
if (isAvailable) {
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>