My fork of airsonic with experimental fixes and improvements. See branch "custom"
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# British English localisation.
# Author: Brian Aust
# accessDenied.jsp
accessDenied.text = Sorry, you are not authorised to perform the requested operation.
# help.jsp
help.license.text = {0} is free software distributed under the <a href="" target="_blank">GPL</a> open-source licence. \
{0} uses <a href="" target="_blank">licensed third-party libraries</a>. Please note that {0} is <em>not</em> \
a tool for illegal distribution of copyrighted material. Always pay attention to and follow the relevant laws specific to your country.
# playerSettings.jsp = Play music directly on the audio device of the Libresonic server. (Authorised users only).
# main.jsp
main.premium = <a href="{0}" style="text-decoration:underline">Get Subsonic Premium</a><br>(and remove this advert)
# helpPopup.jsp
helppopup.musicmask.text = <p>Allows you to specify the type of files that should be recognised as music.</p>
helppopup.videomask.text = <p>Allows you to specify the type of files that should be recognised as video.</p>
helppopup.coverartmask.text = <p>Allows you to specify the type of files that should be recognised as cover art when browsing through the media folder.</p>
helppopup.theme.text = <p>Allows you to select the theme to use. A theme defines the look and feel of {0} in terms of colours, fonts, images, etc.</p>