<%@ page language="java" contentType="text/html; charset=utf-8" pageEncoding="iso-8859-1" %> <%@ include file="include.jsp" %> <%-- PARAMETERS id: ID of file. video: Whether the file is a video (default false). playEnabled: Whether to show play button (default true). addEnabled: Whether to show add next/last buttons (default true). downloadEnabled: Whether to show download button (default false). starEnabled: Whether to show star/unstar controls (default false). starred: Whether the file is currently starred. asTable: Whether to put the images in td tags. onPlay: Overrides the javascript used for the play action. --%> " alt="" style="cursor:pointer;height:18px;" onclick="toggleStar(${param.id}, '#starImage${param.id}'); return false;"> " alt="" style="cursor:pointer;height:18px;" onclick="toggleStar(${param.id}, '#starImage${param.id}'); return false;"> " alt="" title=""> " alt="" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px;" onclick="${param.onPlay}; return false;" title=""> " alt="" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px;" onclick="top.playQueue.onPlay(${param.id}); return false;" title=""> " alt="" onclick="top.playQueue.onAdd(${param.id}); $().toastmessage('showSuccessToast', ''); return false;" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px;" title=""> " alt="" onclick="top.playQueue.onAddNext(${param.id}); $().toastmessage('showSuccessToast', ''); return false;" style="cursor:pointer; height:18px;" title=""> " alt="" title="" >